مواد ڏانھن هلو

آفريڪا ۾ عالمي ورثي جي ماڳن جي فهرست

کليل ڄاڻ چيڪلي، وڪيپيڊيا مان
A map of World Heritage Sites in Africa as of 2016. The northern, eastern, and southern parts of the continent are relatively dense with sites; in contrast the western coast is home to relatively few.
سال 2016ع تائين آفريڪا ۾ عالمي ثقافتي ورثي واري ماڳن جو نقشو، ھر ھڪ ماڳ هڪ ڊاٽ (نقطي) سان ڏنل آھي.

     0 سائيٽون
     1-2 سائيٽون
     3-4 سائيٽون
     5-6 سائيٽون
     7-8 سائيٽون
     9 سائيٽون

گڏيل قومن جي تعليمي، سائنسي ۽ ثقافتي تنظيم، يونيسڪو آفريڪا ۾ 147 عالمي ورثو ماڳن کي نامزد ڪيو آهي. هي ماڳ 46 ملڪن ۾ پکڙيل آهن.

عالمي ورثي ماڳن جي چونڊ


[[ايٿوپيا کي يارهن ماڳن سان برتري حاصل آهي. ان کان پوءِ ڏکڻ آفريڪا ڏهه، مراڪش ۽ تيونس ۾ نون ماڳن جو گهر آهي. پوءِ الجزائر، مصر، سينيگال ۽ تنزانيا ست نمبر تي آهن. نون ملڪن ۾ صرف ھڪڙي ھڪڙي سائيٽ آھي. ٻن ملڪن جي وچ ۾ چار سائيٽون ورهايل آهن: مالوٽي-ڊراڪنسبرگ پارڪ (ليسوٿو ۽ ڏکڻ آفريڪا)، جبل نيمبا سخت فطري ريزرو (ڪوٽ ڊي آئيور ۽ گني)، سينيگامبيا جا پٿر جا حلقا (گيمبيا ۽ سينيگال) ۽ موسي-اوا-تونيا/ وڪٽوريا آبشار (زمبيا ۽ زمبابوي) جي وچ ۾ ورهايل آهن. ٻه سائيٽون ٽن ملڪن ۾ ورهايل آهن: سانگها ٽرائي نيشنل (وچ آفريڪا، ڪيمرون ۽ ڪانگو) ۽ ڊبليو-آرلي-پينجاري ڪمپليڪس (بينن، برڪينا فاسو ۽ نائيجر جي وچ ۾ ورهايل آهي. کنڊ کان پهرين سائيٽون 1978ع ۾ لکيا ويا، جڏهن سينيگال جي گوري ٻيٽ ۽ ايٿوپيا جي راڪ-هيون گرجا گھر ۽ سيمين نيشنل پارڪ کي فهرست جي تصور دوران چونڊيو ويو. سيپٽمبر، 2017ع تائين، صوماليا وٽ ڪوبه سرڪاري عالمي ورثو سائيٽون نه آهن ڇو ته صومالي حڪومت سال 1972ع جي عالمي ورثي واري ڪنوينشن جي پارٽي نه آهي. بهرحال، اتي گهٽ ۾ گهٽ، هڪ درجن جي لڳ ڀڳ ملڪن ۾ آثار قديمه جي ماڳن جو يقين آهي ته مستقبل جي امڪاني اميدوارن جي عالمي ورثي جي حيثيت لاء، آهي. هر سال، يونيسڪو جي عالمي ورثي واري ڪميٽي نئين سائيٽن کي لسٽ ۾ شامل ڪري سگهي ٿي يا انهن سائيٽن کي خارج ڪري سگھي ٿو جيڪي هاڻي معيار کي پورا نه ڪن. چونڊ ڏهن معيارن تي ٻڌل آهي:

  • ثقافتي ورثي لاءِ ڇهه (i-vi) ۽
  • چار قدرتي ورثي لاءِ (vii-x)

ڪجهه سائيٽون، نامزد ٿيل "مخلوط سائيٽون"، ٻنهي ثقافتي ۽ قدرتي ورثي جي نمائندگي ڪن ٿيون. آفريڪا ۾، 91 ثقافتي، 50 قدرتي ۽ 6 مخلوط سائيٽون آھن. سائيٽن جو تعداد وڌائڻ ۽ براعظم تي موجود ماڳن جي ورثي کي بچائڻ لاءِ ڪيتريون ئي ڪوششون وقف ڪيون ويون آھن.

عالمي ورثي جا ماڳ




هيٺ ڏنل فهرست يونيسڪو جي آفريڪا جي جيو پوليٽيڪل تعريف کي نظر انداز ڪري ٿي ۽ ان ۾ اها شامل آهن، جنهن کي يونيسڪو "عرب رياستن" ۾ ماڳن جي طور تي بيان ڪري ٿي.[1] مصر اتر آفريڪا جو حصو آهي. فهرست ۾ ڪيترائي ماڳ پڻ شامل آھن جن لاءِ رياستي پارٽي کنڊ کان ٻاھر آھي، پر ماڳ پاڻ آفريڪا ۾ واقع آھي؛ چار اهڙيون ماڳون ڪينري ٻيٽن تي واقع آهن (جن جو تعلق اسپين سان آهي)، هڪ ميڊيرا (پرتگال سان تعلق رکندڙ) تي، هڪ ري يونين (فرانس سان تعلق رکندڙ) ۽ هڪ ٽرسٽان دا ڪنها ٻيٽ تي (برطانيا سان تعلق رکي ٿو) آهي.

ٽيبل مناسب ڪالمن جي چوٽي تي ڪلڪ ڪري ڪالمن جي ترتيب سان ترتيب ڏنل آهي. اکر-انگ طور ماڳ، ايراضي ۽ سال ڪالمن لاءِ؛ رياستي پارٽي طرفان بعد ۾ علائقي جي جڳهه ڪالمن لاءِ؛ ۽ معيار جي قسم جي پٺيان ملڪ طرفان معيار جي ڪالمن لاءِ.

نثري ٽڪرو وجھو

  • ماڳ: ورلڊ هيريٽيج ڪميٽي جي سرڪاري نامزدگي جي نالي پٺيان رکيو ويو. n[2]
  • جڳھه: ملڪ طرفان ترتيب ڏنل، علائقائي يا صوبائي سطح تي علائقي جي پٺيان. ملٽي نيشنل يا ملٽي ريجنل ماڳ جي صورت ۾، نالا ترتيب ڏنل الفابيٽ سان.
  • معيار: جيئن بيان ڪيل عالمي ورثو ڪميٽي پاران.
  • ايراضي: هيڪٽرن ۽ ايڪڙن ۾، ڪنهن به بفر زونن کان سواء. هڪ قدر جو "-" مطلب آهي ته يونيسڪو طرفان ڪا به ڊيٽا شايع نه ڪئي وئي آهي.
  • سال: جنهن دوران ماڳ عالمي ورثي جي لسٽ ۾ شامل ڪيو ويو.
  • وضاحت: ماڳ بابت مختصر معلومات، بشمول ورثي واري ماڳ جي طور تي قابليت جا سبب.
  سانچو:† خطري ۾
  * ٻين الملڪي ماڳ
ماڳ تصوير جاء معيار ايراضي

هيڪٽر (ايڪڙ ۾)

سال وضاحت
آپراواسي گھاٽ
Aapravasi Ghat Museum, Mauritius.
Mauritiusپورٽ لوئيس ضلعو
20°09′31″S 57°30′11″E / 20.158611°S 57.503056°E / -20.158611; 57.503056 (Aapravasi Ghat)
ڪلچرل: (iv)MauritiusAap 69991600000000000000.16 (0.40) 2006 انگريزن پاران ماريشس ۾ غلاميءَ جي خاتمي کان پوءِ، برطانوي حڪومت طرفان آپراواسي گھاٽ کي چونڊيو ويو ته جيئن هندستاني مزدورن کي ملڪ ۾ فارمن ۽ کنڊ جي زمينن تي ڪم ڪرڻ لاءِ موڪليو وڃي. سال 1834ع ۽ 1920ع جي وچ ۾ اٽڪل پنج لک کنٽريڪٽ ٿيل مزدور انڊيا مان پورٽ لوئس مان لنگهيا، يا ته ماريشس ۾ ڪم ڪرڻ لاءِ يا ٻين برطانوي نوآبادين ڏانهن منتقل ٿيڻ لاءِ.[3]
ابو مينا †
Photograph of a large, weathered, stone capital resting on the ground, with a low-relief cross enclosed in a cartouche
30°50′28″N 29°39′47″E / 30.84098°N 29.663117°E / 30.84098; 29.663117 (Abu Mena)
ثقافتي: (iv)EgyAbu 7002182000000000000182 (450) 1979 اڳوڻي عيسائي مقدس شهر جي کنڊرن ۾ هڪ چرچ، هڪ بپتسما جي جاء، بيسيليڪا، عوامي عمارتون، گهٽيون، خانقاهون، گهر ۽ ورڪشاپون شامل آهن ۽ اليگزينڊرريا جي ميناس جي مقبري مٿان ٺهيل هئا.[4] عالمي ورثي واري ڪميٽي ابو مينا کي 2001ع ۾، ان علائقي ۾ ٻين غارن جي ٺھڻ، علائقي جي سطح تي مٽي جيڪا "وڌيڪ پاڻي" سان ملڻ تي نيم مائع ٿي وڃي ٿي.[5]
ايير ۽ تئنئري قدرتي محفوظ علائقو


A picture of a large, depressed area of sand to the right and a mountain range in the background. Relatively small vehicles are parked alongside the massive hole.
Niger1آرلٽ ڊپارٽمينٽ
18°N 9°E / 18°N 9°E / 18; 9 (Air and Ténéré Natural Reserves)

vii، ix xNiger، ir

70067736000000000007٬736٬000 (19٬120٬000) 1991 آفريڪا جو سڀ کان وڏو محفوظ علائقو، جيڪو صحارا ريگستان ۾ تينيري ۾ واقع آهي، ايير جي آتش فشاني پٿر جي ماس تي مشتمل آهي ۽ منفرد نباتات ۽ جانورن سان گڏ هڪ ننڍڙو الڳ ٿيل ساحيلي خطو آهي.[6] قدرتي رزرو کي سال 1992ع ۾، فوجي تڪرار ۾ اضافي ۽ فيبروري ۾ ڇهه ريزرو عملي جي يرغمال ٿيڻ سبب، يونيسڪو جي عالمي ورثي جي خطري واري فهرست ۾ شامل ڪيو ويو. هن فهرست مان هٽائڻ تي غور ڪيو ويو 1999ع ۾، پر 2011ع تائين، ان جي پوزيشن ۾ ڪا تبديلي نه رهي.[7][8]
A large site containing several very high tombs.
Ethٽگري ريجن
14°07′49″N 38°43′07″E / 14.130190°N 38.718605°E / 14.130190; 38.718605 (Aksum)

(i)، (iv)

- 1980 اڪسوم شهر جا کنڊر، پهرين کان 13هين صدي عيسويءَ تائين، قديم ايٿوپيائي تهذيب جي مرڪز جي نشاندهي ڪن ٿا. ان ۾ مونو ليٿڪ اوبليسڪ، وڏي اسٽيلائي، شاهي مقبرا ۽ اڳوڻي قلعن جا کنڊر شامل آهن.[9]
قلعات بني حماد
A picture of a deteriorating stone wall spanning the frame, with a blue sky in the background.
35°49′06″N 4°47′13″E / 35.818440°N 4.786840°E / 35.818440; 4.786840 (Al Qal'a of Beni Hammad)
7002150000000000000150 (370) 1980 The fortified first capital of the HammadiH Emirs built in 1007 and demolished in 1152. It features an 8-bay, 13-aisle mosque, which is one of the largest in Algeria.[10]
الدبرا اتول
Photograph of the head and forequarters of a giant tortoise
Seyالدبرا گروپ،
9°25′00″S 46°25′00″E / 9.416681°S 46.41665°E / -9.416681; 46.41665 (Aldabra Atoll)

(vii)، (ix) ۽ (x)

700435000000000000035٬000 (86٬000)
1982 The Aldabra Atoll consists of four large coral islands and a lagoon, surrounded by a coral reef. The islands are home to the world's largest population of giant tortoises.[11]
ال جيم جو ايمڦي ٿيٽر
A picture of a large stone building, with several framed openings meant to resemble windows.
Tunايل جيم،
35°17′47″N 10°42′25″E / 35.296390°N 10.706940°E / 35.296390; 10.706940 (Amphitheatre of El Jem)

(iv)، (vi)

70001370000000000001.37 (3.4) 1979 The Amphitheatre of El Jem, built during the 3rd century, is North Africa's largest amphitheatre, and the largest one built outside of Italy, with a capacity of 35,000 spectators, and "illustrates the grandeur and extent of Imperial Rome".[12]
برڪينا فاسو ۾ لوهه جي ڌات ڪاري جو قديم ماڳ Burkina Fasoدورولا، تيوئگا، ياماني، ڪنديبو ۽ بئڪوئي،
 برڪينا فاسو
12°35′16″N 3°19′44″W / 12.5877583°N 3.3289861°W / 12.5877583; -3.3289861 (Ancient Ferrous Metallurgy Sites of Burkina Faso)

(iii) (iv) (vi)

7002122300000000000122.3 (302) 2019 A series of five archaeological locations spread across the country, recognized for their historical significance in the development and practice of iron smelting technology in Africa. Each site contains remains of furnaces and other features associated with the iron production process, showcasing the technological innovation and skill of the people in this region. [13]
عواداني، چنگويٽي، ٽيچٽ ۽ عوالاتا جا قديم ڪسور (محل)
A picture of a tall stone and medieval looking tower, surrounded by buildings constructed with the same material.
عواداني، چنگويٽي، ٽيچٽ ۽ عوالاتا،
20°55′44″N 11°37′25″W / 20.928890°N 11.623610°W / 20.928890; -11.623610 (Ancient Ksour of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt and Oualata)

(iii) (iv) (v)


"Founded in the 11th and 12th centuries to serve the caravans crossing the Sahara, these trading and religious centres became focal points of Islamic culture. [...] Typically, houses with patios crowd along narrow streets around a mosque with a square minaret. They illustrate a traditional way of life centred on the nomadic culture of the people of the western Sahara."[14]

قديم ٿيبيس، گورستان سان گڏ
A picture of a ruined temple; outer buildings to the left remain erected, but the wall in the foreground and other stone beams have crumbled.
25°44′00″N 32°36′00″E / 25.733330°N 32.600000°E / 25.733330; 32.600000 (Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis)

(i) (iii) (vi)

70037390000000000007٬390 (18٬300) 1979 The former capital of Egypt and city of the Egyptian god Amun contains relics from the height of Ancient Egypt. The temples, palaces, and the necropolises of the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens bear "a striking testimony to Egyptian civilization".[15]
ڪارٿيج جو قديم آثار وارو ماڳ
A picture of several deteriorating stone structures, with two thin cylindrical towers of varying heights standing to the left of the background.
Tunتيونس شهر،
36°51′10″N 10°19′24″E / 36.852780°N 10.323330°E / 36.852780; 10.323330 (Archaeological Site of Carthage)

(ii) (iii) (vi)

7002498000000000000498 (1٬230) 1979 Founded in the 9th century BCE, Carthage was developed into a trading empire spanning the Mediterranean and was, according to UNESCO, "home to a brilliant civilization". The city was destroyed in 146 BCE in the Punic Wars at the hands of the Romans, but was later rebuilt by these.[16]
سائيرئني جو قديم آثار وارو ماڳ


A picture of a demolished city, located on a cliff looking out to the right. A relatively larger building's beams in the middle of the city continue to stand without a roof.
Libجبل الاخضر،
32°49′30″N 21°51′30″E / 32.825000°N 21.858330°E / 32.825000; 21.858330 (Archaeological Site of Cyrene)
(ii)،(iii) ۽ (vi)
7002132000000000000132 (330) 1982 The formerly Greek colony was Romanized and transformed into a capital, until it was destroyed by the 365 Crete earthquake. The thousand-year-old ruins have remained renowned since the 18th century.[17] All five sites in Libya, including Cyrene, were placed on UNESCO's List of World Heritage in Danger in 2016, due to ongoing conflict in the country.[18]
ليپتس مئگنا جو قديم آثار جو ماڳ


A picture of a large and square-shaped stone monument with a visible entrance on every side.
32°38′18″N 14°17′35″E / 32.638330°N 14.293060°E / 32.638330; 14.293060 (Archaeological Site of Leptis Magna)
(i)، (ii) ۽ (iii)
7002387000000000000387 (960) 1982
The Roman city of Leptis Magna was enlarged by Emperor Septimius Severus, who was born there. Public monuments, a harbour, a marketplace, storehouses, shops, and homes were among the reasons for its induction into the list.[19] All five sites in Libya, including Leptis Magna, were placed on UNESCO's List of World Heritage in Danger in 2016, due to ongoing conflict in the country.[20]
سبراٿا جو قديم آثار جو ماڳ


A side view of a large building to the right, with stone, cylindrical pillars running along its front.
32°48′19″N 12°29′06″E / 32.805280°N 12.485000°E / 32.805280; 12.485000 (Archaeological Site of Sabratha)
700191000000000000091 (220) 1982
"A Phoenician trading-post that served as an outlet for the products of the African hinterland, Sabratha was part of the short-lived Numidian Kingdom of Massinissa before being Romanized and rebuilt in the 2nd and 3rd centuries."[21] All five sites in Libya, including Sabratha, were placed on UNESCO's List of World Heritage in Danger in 2016, due to ongoing conflict in the country.[22]
Archaeological Site of Volubilis
A picture of a rectangular building whose back side has been demolished. A green mountain range fills the background.
34°04′26″N 5°33′25″W / 34.073890°N 5.556940°W / 34.073890; -5.556940 (Archaeological Site of Volubilis)

(ii), (iii), (iv), (vi)

700142000000000000042 (100)

1997 The important Roman outpost of Volubilis was founded in the 3rd century BCE to become the capital of Mauretania. It contained many buildings, the remains of which have survived extensively to this day.[23]
Archaeological Sites of the Island of Meroe
An aerial view of a dozen pyramids in relatively bad shape in the foreground, and a deserted view in the background.
16°56′00″N 33°43′00″E / 16.933333°N 33.716667°E / 16.933333; 33.716667 (Archaeological Sites of the Island of Meroe)

(ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

70032357000000000002٬357 (5٬820) 2011 The site was the centre of the Kingdom of Kush, a major force active from the 8th century BCE to the 4th century CE. It is home to pyramids, temples, and domestic buildings, among other vestiges.[24]
Asante Traditional Buildings GhaKumasi,
6°24′04″N 1°37′33″W / 6.401111°N 1.625833°W / 6.401111; -1.625833 (Asante Traditional Buildings)


1980 The site, north-east of Kumasi, hosts the final intact remains of the Ashanti Empire, which peaked in the 18th century. The dwellings, which are made of earth, wood, and straw, are susceptible to the damages caused by the "onslaught of time and weather".[25]
Asmara: A Modernist African City[lower-alpha 1] align="center"
City of Asmara
15°20′07″N 38°56′09″E / 15.335277777777778°N 38.935833333333335°E / 15.335277777777778; 38.935833333333335 (Asmara)


7002481000000000000481 (1٬190)

2017 Located at over 2000 metres above sea level, the capital of Eritrea developed from the 1890s onwards as a military outpost for the Italian colonial power. After 1935, Asmara underwent a large scale programme of construction applying the Italian rationalist idiom of the time to governmental edifices, residential and commercial buildings, churches, mosques, synagogues, cinemas, hotels, etc.[26]
Barberton Makhonjwa Mountains
 ڏکڻ آفريقا
25°58′26″S 31°00′50″E / 25.973889°S 31.013889°E / -25.973889; 31.013889 (Barberton Makhonjwa)


7005113137000000000113٬137 (279٬570) 2018 The mountains contain the world's oldest geological structures and are known to have preserved volcanic and sedimentary rocks estimated to be between 3.6 and 3.25 billion years old.[27]
Banc d'Arguin National Park
A front view of four small ships, without their sails, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean in the background. Three narrow shoals fill the foreground.
and Nouadhibou,
20°14′05″N 16°06′32″W / 20.234720°N 16.108890°W / 20.234720; -16.108890 (Banc d'Arguin National Park)

(ix), (x)

70061200000000000001٬200٬000 (3٬000٬000) 1989 The park consists of sand dunes, coastal swamps, small islands, and shallow bodies of water, all bordering the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Birds are often found to migrate in the area, accompanied by various species of sea turtles and dolphins, whose presence fishermen often use to attract fish.[28]
Bassari Country: Bassari, Fula and Bedik Cultural Landscapes
A Bedik village with a traditional house and two women working.
Sen سينيگال
12°35′36″N 12°50′45″W / 12.593333°N 12.845833°W / 12.593333; -12.845833 (Bassari Country: Bassari, Fula and Bedik Cultural Landscapes)

(iii), (v), (vi)

700450309000000000050٬309 (124٬320) 2012 This area stands out for its cultural diversity and the preservation of traditional lifestyles, deeply intertwined with the natural environment. The communities maintain unique cultural identities, practices, and structures, reflecting their adaptation to the landscape. Their traditional practices, including agriculture, architecture, and religious ceremonies.[29]
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
A view inside of a dense forest with a gorilla roaming a few metres away on its hind legs.
UgandaKabale District,
Kisoro District,
and Rukungiri District,
1°04′50″S 29°39′41″E / 1.080556°S 29.661389°E / -1.080556; 29.661389 (Bwindi Impenetrable National Park)

(vii), (x)

700432092000000000032٬092 (79٬300) 1994 Located on the border of plains and mountain forests, the park in south-western Uganda is home to over 160 species of trees, over a hundred species of ferns, and various species of birds and butterflies. Many endangered species are within its boundaries as well, including the mountain gorilla.[30]
Cape Floral Region Protected Areas
A view of a forest in the foreground, with a mountain range in the background.
SouEastern Cape
and Western Cape,
 ڏکڻ آفريقا
34°21′40″S 18°28′30″E / 34.361111°S 18.475000°E / -34.361111; 18.475000 (Cape Floral Region Protected Areas)

(ix), (x)

70061094742000000001٬094٬742 (2٬705٬170) 2004 [lower-alpha 2] The site consists of eight protected areas that are among the richest in plant life worldwide, containing nearly 20% of Africa's total flora. Its scientific value is demonstrated by the presence of fire and radiation adaptivity in plants and seed dispersal by insects.[31]

ماڳ 10

ماڳ تصوير جاء معيار ايراضي

هيڪٽر (ايڪڙ ۾)

سال وضاحت
Chongoni Rock-Art Area
A picture of various red markings on a stone wall.
MalawiDedza District,
14°17′36″S 34°16′45″E / 14.293333°S 34.279167°E / -14.293333; 34.279167 (Chongoni Rock-Art Area)

(iii), (vi)

700412640000000000012٬640 (31٬200) 2006 The 127-site area contains the richest concentration of rock art in Central Africa, ranging from Stone Age paintings to contemporary work from farmers. The symbols depicted in the rock art are strongly centred around women and retain a cultural significance for the Chewa.[32]
Cidade Velha, Historic Centre of Ribeira Grande
A picture of a small monument in front of a large, crooked tree, with a row of small houses in the background.
CapeRibeira Grande,
 ڪيپ ورڊي
14°54′55″N 23°36′19″W / 14.915139°N 23.605194°W / 14.915139; -23.605194 (Cidade Velha, Historic Centre of Ribeira Grande)

(ii), (iii), (vi)

7002209000000000000209 (520) 2009 The town, in the south of the island of Santiago, was the first European colonial outpost in the tropics, with remains dating back to the 16th century. Two churches, a royal fortress, and Pillary Square help comprise the tropical town's original street layout.[33]
Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons)
A view of a small, grassy field in front of a row of trees. A large ledge made of rock fills the background while a small waterfall emerges from the centre-left of its top.
MaliBandiagara Cercle,
14°20′00″N 3°25′00″W / 14.333330°N 3.416670°W / 14.333330; -3.416670 (Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons))

(v), (vii)

7005327390000000000327٬390 (809٬000) 1989 The sandy plateau and cliffs of Bandiagara outline the site, featuring houses, granaries, altars, sanctuaries, and Togu-Na meeting-places. Age-old social traditions such as masks, feasts, rituals, and ancestral worship also add to its cultural significance.[34]
Comoé National Park
A bushbuck stands in a calm river browsing on the thick vegetation along the shore.
 آئيوري ڪوسٽ
9°N 4°W / 9°N 4°W / 9; -4 (Comoé National Park)

(ix), (x)

70061150000000000001٬150٬000 (2٬800٬000) 1983 Among the largest protected sites of West Africa, the park features the Comoé River and the unique flora which accompanies it.[35] The site was placed on UNESCO's List of World Heritage in Danger in 2003, due to unrest in Côte d'Ivoire, and various other factors such as poaching, wildfires, lack of proper management of the site, and overgrazing.[36] It was later removed from the list in 2017 following successful efforts to fight poaching, leading to increases in populations of fauna such as elephants and chimpanzees.[37]
Dja Faunal Reserve
A long but narrow boat floats on a wide river, with a dense forest bordering the side.
and Haut-Nyong,
3°N 13°E / 3°N 13°E / 3; 13 (Dja Faunal Reserve)

(ix), (x)

7005526000000000000526٬000 (1٬300٬000) 1987 Among Africa's largest and best-protected rain forests, the Cameroonian reserve is almost completely surrounded by the Dja River and contains 107 mammal species, of which five are threatened.[38]
Djémila AlgSétif,
36°19′14″N 5°44′12″E / 36.320560°N 5.736670°E / 36.320560; 5.736670 (Djémila)

(iii), (iv)

700130000000000000030 (74) 1982 The ruins of a Roman town in a mountainous location, including a forum, temples, basilicas, triumphal arches, and houses, each adapted to a location 900 m (3٬000 ft) above sea level.[39]
Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary
A very small grassy island cramped with white, long-beaked pelicans.
SenSaint-Louis Region,
16°30′00″N 16°10′00″W / 16.500000°N 16.166670°W / 16.500000; -16.166670 (Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary)

(vii), (x)

700416000000000000016٬000 (40٬000) 1981 The Senegal River delta wetland area consists of streams, lakes, ponds, and backwaters. It is the home to 1.5 million birds, including the great white pelican, the purple heron, the African spoonbill, the great egret, and cormorants. The sanctuary also features crocodiles, African manatees, and other typical Sahelian species.[40] The site was previously on the danger list from 1984 to 1988 due to potential impact from a dam[41][42] and again from 2000 to 2006 due to invasive species.[43][44]
Dougga / Thugga
A set of stone seats laid out in a semi-circle to the left overlook a restored stage made up of similar materials to the right. A view of grassy plains precede a wide, mountainous range.
TunBeBéja Governorate,
36°25′25″N 9°13′13″E / 36.423610°N 9.220280°E / 36.423610; 9.220280 (Dougga/Thugga)

(ii), (iii)

700175000000000000075 (190) 1997 The site features the ruins of Dougga, a former capital of a LibyanPunic state, which flourished under Ancient Rome and the Byzantine Empire, but declined in the Islamic period.[45]
Ecosystem and Relict Cultural Landscape of Lopé-Okanda
A view of a wide river in the foreground, with a single dirt mountain surrounded by trees in the background.
and Ogooué-Lolo,
0°30′N 11°30′E / 0.5°N 11.5°E / 0.5; 11.5 (Ecosystem and Relict Cultural Landscape of Lopé-Okanda)

(iii), (iv),
(ix), (x)

7005491291000000000491٬291 (1٬214٬010) 2007 The park features well-preserved tropical rain forests and savanna, resulting in a diverse ecosystem consisting of endangered, large mammals.[46]
Ennedi Massif: Natural and Cultural Landscape Chad چاڊ
Natural and Cultural

(iii), (vii), (ix)

70062441200000000002٬441٬200 (6٬032٬000) 2016 [47]
Fasil Ghebbi, Gondar Region
A picture of a four-storey stone castle surrounded by a grassy lawn and four cylindrical towers.
EthAmhara Region,
12°36′25″N 37°27′58″E / 12.606920°N 37.466170°E / 12.606920; 37.466170 (Fasil Ghebbi, Gondar Region)

(ii), (iii)

1979 The fortress was the residence of the Ethiopian emperors during the 16th and 17th century. The city remains, which feature buildings with Hindu and Arab influences, were later remodelled with Baroque-style architecture by Jesuit missionaries.[48]
Fort Jesus, Mombasa
A fortified, but badly-faded yellow-coloured wall looks off into distant sea to the left.
4°03′46″S 39°40′46″E / 4.062778°S 39.679444°E / -4.062778; 39.679444 (Fort Jesus, Mombasa)

(ii), (iv)

70002360000000000002.36 (5.8) 2011 Fort Jesus is a Portuguese fort built from 1593 to 1596 on Mombasa Island to guard the old port of Mombasa, Kenya. The site's layout follows the Renaissance ideal that the human body is perfectly proportionate.[49]
Forts and Castles, Volta, Greater Accra, Central and Western Regions
A picture taken in foggy weather depicting a white, contemporary building several storeys high.
GhaCentral Region,
Greater Accra,
Volta Region,
and Western Region,
5°14′51″N 0°47′07″W / 5.247398°N 0.785167°W / 5.247398; -0.785167 (Forts and Castles, Volta, Greater Accra, Central and Western Regions)



The site features the remains of fortified trading posts, built along the Ghanaian coast between 1482 and 1786.[50]

Fossil Hominid Sites of South Africa
A picture of dozens of pointed limestone formations hanging from a ceiling inside a cave.
and North West,
 ڏکڻ آفريقا
24°09′31″S 29°10′37″E / 24.158610°S 29.176940°E / -24.158610; 29.176940 (Fossil Hominid Sites of South Africa)

(iii), (vi)

1999[lower-alpha 3] The various fossil sites contain traces of human occupation and evolution dating 3.3 million years.[51]
French Austral Lands and Seas
FranceCrozet Islands,
Kerguelen Islands,
Île Saint-Paul,
Île Amsterdam
49°22′49″S 69°21′10″E / 49.3803611°S 69.3528056°E / -49.3803611; 69.3528056 (French Austral Lands and Seas)

(vii), (ix), (x)

700767296900000000067٬296٬900 (166٬294٬000) 2019 [52]
Garajonay National Park
A foggy picture of a rain forest riddled with weeds and various plant life.
SpaLa Gomera,
28°07′34″N 17°14′14″W / 28.126250°N 17.237222°W / 28.126250; -17.237222 (Garajonay National Park)

(vii), (ix)

70033984000000000003٬984 (9٬840) 1986 Most of the park, in the middle of the island of La Gomera of the Canary Islands, is covered with a lush laurel forest.[53]
Garamba National Parkسانچو:†
An overhead and cloudy view of a wide, swampy river with grassy plains on both sides.
 عوامي جمهوريا ڪانگو
4°00′N 29°15′E / 4°N 29.25°E / 4; 29.25 (Garamba National Park)

(vii), (x)

7005500000000000000500٬000 (1٬200٬000)

1980 The park has vast savannas, grasslands, and woodlands, featuring elephants, giraffes, hippopotamuses, and the white rhinoceros.[54] Garamba was deemed to be endangered following the diminution of the white rhinoceros population in the area,[55] but it was removed from the list in 1991.[56] However, it later regained the status in 1996, when three rangers were killed and the population of white rhinoceros fell once again.[57][58]
Gebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region
A large, square-shaped mound made up of dirt and rock in the middle of a deserted area.
18°32′00″N 31°49′00″E / 18.533333°N 31.816667°E / 18.533333; 31.816667 (Gebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region)


7002183000000000000183 (450)

2003 The five sites in the Nile Valley feature temples that are testimonial to the Napatan and Meroitic cultures.حوالي جي چڪ: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag
Ecosystem and Relict Cultural Landscape of Lopé-Okanda
A view of a wide river in the foreground, with a single dirt mountain surrounded by trees in the background.
and Ogooué-Lolo,
0°30′N 11°30′E / 0.5°N 11.5°E / 0.5; 11.5 (Ecosystem and Relict Cultural Landscape of Lopé-Okanda)
(iii), (iv),
(ix), (x)
7005491291000000000491٬291 (1٬214٬010) 2007 The park features well-preserved tropical rain forests and savanna, resulting in a diverse ecosystem consisting of endangered, large mammals.[59]
Ennedi Massif: Natural and Cultural Landscape Chad چاڊ
Natural and Cultural
(iii), (vii), (ix)
70062441200000000002٬441٬200 (6٬032٬000) 2016 [60]
Fasil Ghebbi, Gondar Region
A picture of a four-storey stone castle surrounded by a grassy lawn and four cylindrical towers.
EthAmhara Region,
12°36′25″N 37°27′58″E / 12.606920°N 37.466170°E / 12.606920; 37.466170 (Fasil Ghebbi, Gondar Region)
(ii), (iii)
1979 The fortress was the residence of the Ethiopian emperors during the 16th and 17th century. The city remains, which feature buildings with Hindu and Arab influences, were later remodelled with Baroque-style architecture by Jesuit missionaries.[61]
Fort Jesus, Mombasa
A fortified, but badly-faded yellow-coloured wall looks off into distant sea to the left.
4°03′46″S 39°40′46″E / 4.062778°S 39.679444°E / -4.062778; 39.679444 (Fort Jesus, Mombasa)
(ii), (iv)
70002360000000000002.36 (5.8) 2011 Fort Jesus is a Portuguese fort built from 1593 to 1596 on Mombasa Island to guard the old port of Mombasa, Kenya. The site's layout follows the Renaissance ideal that the human body is perfectly proportionate.[62]
Forts and Castles, Volta, Greater Accra, Central and Western Regions
A picture taken in foggy weather depicting a white, contemporary building several storeys high.
GhaCentral Region,
Greater Accra,
Volta Region,
and Western Region,
5°14′51″N 0°47′07″W / 5.247398°N 0.785167°W / 5.247398; -0.785167 (Forts and Castles, Volta, Greater Accra, Central and Western Regions)
1979 The site features the remains of fortified trading posts, built along the Ghanaian coast between 1482 and 1786.[63]
Fossil Hominid Sites of South Africa
A picture of dozens of pointed limestone formations hanging from a ceiling inside a cave.
and North West,
 ڏکڻ آفريقا
24°09′31″S 29°10′37″E / 24.158610°S 29.176940°E / -24.158610; 29.176940 (Fossil Hominid Sites of South Africa) || Cultural:SouthCra
(iii), (vi)
1999[lower-alpha 4] The various fossil sites contain traces of human occupation and evolution dating 3.3 million years.[64]
French Austral Lands and Seas
FranceCrozet Islands,
Kerguelen Islands,
Île Saint-Paul,
Île Amsterdam
49°22′49″S 69°21′10″E / 49.3803611°S 69.3528056°E / -49.3803611; 69.3528056 (French Austral Lands and Seas) || Natural:FraAus
(vii), (ix), (x) || 700767296900000000067٬296٬900 (166٬294٬000) || 2019 || [65]
Garajonay National Park
A foggy picture of a rain forest riddled with weeds and various plant life.
SpaLa Gomera,
28°07′34″N 17°14′14″W / 28.126250°N 17.237222°W / 28.126250; -17.237222 (Garajonay National Park) || Natural:SpaGara
(vii), (ix) ||70033984000000000003٬984 (9٬840) || 1986 || Most of the park, in the middle of the island of La Gomera of the Canary Islands, is covered with a lush laurel forest.[66]
Garamba National Parkسانچو:†
An overhead and cloudy view of a wide, swampy river with grassy plains on both sides.
 عوامي جمهوريا ڪانگو
4°00′N 29°15′E / 4°N 29.25°E / 4; 29.25 (Garamba National Park) || Natural:DemGar
(vii), (x) || 7005500000000000000500٬000 (1٬200٬000) || 1980 || The park has vast savannas, grasslands, and woodlands, featuring elephants, giraffes, hippopotamuses, and the white rhinoceros.[67] Garamba was deemed to be endangered following the diminution of the white rhinoceros population in the area,[55] but it was removed from the list in 1991.[68] However, it later regained the status in 1996, when three rangers were killed and the population of white rhinoceros fell once again.[69][70]
Gebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region
A large, square-shaped mound made up of dirt and rock in the middle of a deserted area.
18°32′00″N 31°49′00″E / 18.533333°N 31.816667°E / 18.533333; 31.816667 (Gebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region) || Cultural:SudGeb
(i), (ii),
(iii), (iv), (vi)
7002183000000000000183 (450) 2003

The five sites in the Nile Valley feature temples that are testimonial to the Napatan and Meroitic cultures.حوالي جي چڪ: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag

Great Zimbabwe National Monument
A picture of a semi-spherically shaped stone enclosure sitting in front of a larger wall.
ZimMasvingo Province,

20°17′00″S 30°56′00″E / 20.283333°S 30.933333°E / -20.283333; 30.933333 (Great Zimbabwe National Monument) || Cultural:ZimGre
(i), (iii), (vi)

7002722000000000000722 (1٬780) 1986 The city, now in ruins, was an important trading centre between the 11th and 15th centuries and was capital of the Bantu civilization.[71]
Harar Jugol, the Fortified Historic Town
The Harar city wall (jugol).
EthHarari Region,
9°18′32″N 42°08′16″E / 9.308889°N 42.137778°E / 9.308889; 42.137778 (Harar Jugol, the Fortified Historic Town) || Cultural:EthHar
(ii), (iii),
(iv), (v)
700148000000000000048 (120) 2006 The city is on a plateau and surrounded by gorges and savanna. It contains 82 mosques, 102 shrines, and unique interior design in the townhouses. It is said to be the fourth-holiest city of Islam.[72]
Historic Cairo[lower-alpha 5]
A front view of a large, white building standing behind a thin palm tree.
30°03′00″N 31°15′40″E / 30.050000°N 31.261110°E / 30.050000; 31.261110 (Historic Cairo) || Cultural:EgyHis
(i), (v), (vi)
7002524000000000000524 (1٬290) 1979 One of the world's oldest Islamic cities and in the middle of urban Cairo, the site dates from the 10th century and reached its golden age in the 14th century. It contains mosques, madrasahs, hammams, and fountains.[73]
Historic Centre of Agadez
Niger1Tchirozerine Department,
16°58′25″N 7°59′29″E / 16.973611°N 7.991389°E / 16.973611; 7.991389 (Historic Centre of Agadez) || Cultural:Niger1Aga
(ii), (iii)
700178000000000000078 (190) 2013 [74]
Historic City of Meknes
A picture of a large gate several metres high covered with various abstract designs.
33°53′00″N 5°33′30″W / 33.883330°N 5.558330°W / 33.883330; -5.558330 (Historic City of Meknes) || Cultural:MorHis
1996 The former capital was founded in the 11th century and turned into a city with Spanish-Moorish influence during the 17th and 18th centuries.[75]
Historic Town of Grand-Bassam
A picture of an old home with large vegetation growing out of it, its structure slightly caving inward.
 آئيوري ڪوسٽ
5°11′45″N 3°44′11″W / 5.195914°N 3.736369°W / 5.195914; -3.736369 (Historic Town of Grand-Bassam) || Cultural:CotSud
(iii), (iv)
7002110000000000000110 (270) 2012 A colonial town built during the 19th and 20th centuries, Grand-Bassam was the first Ivorian capital following French rule in the region. Its quarters, which specialised in commerce, administration and general housing, helped the city become the economic and judicial hub of the country, in addition to being its most important port.[76]
Ichkeul National Park
A view of two large hills and a small beach, partially obstructed from the left by a larger vegetated hill.
37°09′49″N 9°40′29″E / 37.163610°N 9.674720°E / 37.163610; 9.674720 (Ichkeul National Park) || Natural:TunIch
700412600000000000012٬600 (31٬000) 1980 Ichkeul Lake and the surrounding wetlands is a destination for hundreds of thousands of migrating birds, including ducks, geese, storks, and pink flamingos. It was once part of a chain that extended across North Africa.[77] Previously, the World Heritage Committee had designated Ichkeul National Park as an endangered site in 1996, due to construction of dams that increased the salinity of the lake and reduced its ability to support bird populations.[78] In 2006 it was removed from the endangered list as the lake was no longer used for agriculture, reducing salinity and allowing birds to return.[79]
iSimangaliso Wetland Park[lower-alpha 6] [[File:
Lamu Old Town
An aerial view of a path (that doubles as a wharf) along the coast of a large body of water.
2°16′05″S 40°54′07″E / 2.268°S 40.902°E / -2.268; 40.902 (Lamu Old Town) || Cultural:KenLam
(ii), (iv), (vi)
700116000000000000016 (40) 2001 The town is the oldest Swahili settlement and is built in coral stone and mangrove timber. It features inner courtyards, verandas, and elaborate wooden doors.[80]


  1. "Number of World Heritage Properties by region". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 10 September 2011. 
  2. حوالي جي چڪ: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named list
  3. "Aapravasi Ghat". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  4. "Abu Mena". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  5. "Abu Mena – Threats to the Site (2001)". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 27 August 2010. 
  6. "Air and Ténéré Natural Reserves". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  7. "Air and Ténéré Natural Reserves – Threats to the Site (1992)". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 August 2010. 
  8. "Decision 33COM 7A.10 – Air and Ténéré Natural Reserves (Niger) (N 573)". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 August 2010. 
  9. "Aksum". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  10. "Al Qal'a of Beni Hammad". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  11. "Aldabra Atoll". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  12. "Amphitheatre of El Jem". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  13. "Ancient Ferrous Metallurgy Sites of Burkina Faso". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 9 July 2019. 
  14. "Ancient Ksour of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt and Oualata". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  15. "Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  16. "Archaeological Site of Carthage". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  17. "Archaeological Site of Cyrene". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  18. "Libya's five World Heritage sites put on List of World Heritage in Danger". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 7 November 2021. 
  19. "Archaeological Site of Leptis Magna". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  20. "Libya's five World Heritage sites put on List of World Heritage in Danger". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 7 November 2021. 
  21. "Archaeological Site of Sabratha". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  22. "Libya's five World Heritage sites put on List of World Heritage in Danger". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 7 November 2021. 
  23. "Archaeological Site of Volubilis". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  24. "Archaeological Sites of the Island of Meroe". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 17 August 2011. 
  25. "Asante Traditional Buildings". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  26. "Asmara: a Modernist African City". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 6 November 2021. 
  27. "Barberton Makhonjwa Mountains". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 1 August 2018. 
  28. "Banc d'Arguin National Park". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  29. "Bassari Country: Bassari, Fula and Bedik Cultural Landscapes". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 4 August 2013. 
  30. "Bwindi Impenetrable National Park". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  31. "Cape Floral Region Protected Areas". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  32. "Chongoni Rock-Art Area". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  33. "Cidade Velha, Historic Centre of Ribeira Grande". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  34. "Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons)". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  35. "Comoé National Park". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  36. "Decision – 27 COM 8B.1 – New Incriptions on the List of World Heritage in Danger". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 30 August 2010. 
  37. "The World Heritage site of Comoé National Park in Côte d'Ivoire no longer in danger". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 31 October 2021. 
  38. "Dja Faunal Reserve". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  39. "Djémila". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  40. "Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  41. "Decision – CONF 004 X.26-27 – Inscriptions on the List of World Heritage in Danger". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 9 November 2021. 
  42. "Decision – CONF 001 XIV.C – Removal from the List of World Heritage in Danger: Djoudj National Park (Senegal)". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 9 November 2021. 
  43. "Decision – CONF 204 VIII.22 – Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary (Senegal)". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 9 November 2021. 
  44. "Decision – 30 COM 7A.11 – Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary (Senegal) (N 25)". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 9 November 2021. 
  45. "Dougga / Thugga". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  46. "Ecosystem and Relict Cultural Landscape of Lopé-Okanda". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  47. "Ennedi Massif: Natural and Cultural Landscape publisher=[[UNESCO]]". حاصل ڪيل 6 August 2016.  line feed character in |title= at position 46 (مدد); URL–wikilink conflict (مدد)
  48. "Fasil Ghebbi, Gondar Region". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  49. "Fort Jesus, Mombasa". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 11 July 2011. 
  50. "Forts and Castles, Volta, Greater Accra, Central and Western Regions". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  51. "Fossil Hominid Sites of South Africa". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 10 November 2021. 
  52. "French Austral Lands and Seas". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 9 July 2019. 
  53. "Garajonay National Park". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  54. "Garamba National Park". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 28 May 2010. 
  55. 55.0 55.1 "Decision – 08COM X.26–27 – Inscriptions on the List of World Heritage in Danger". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 10 September 2011. 
  56. "Decision – 16COM X.E – Removed from the World Heritage List in Danger: Garamba National Park (Zaire)". UNESCO. حاصل ڪيل 10 September 2011. 
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حوالي جي چڪ: "lower-alpha" نالي جي حوالن جي لاءِ ٽيگ <ref> آهن، پر لاڳاپيل ٽيگ <references group="lower-alpha"/> نہ مليو