مواد ڏانھن هلو


بيھڪ: 17°N 4°W / 17°N 4°W / 17; -4
کليل ڄاڻ چيڪلي، وڪيپيڊيا مان
ريپبلڪ آف مالي

Flag of مالي
جھنڊو نسبتي نشان
شُعار: '"Un peuple, un but, une foi" (فرانسيسي)
"ھڪ عوام، ھڪ مقصد، ھڪ يقين"
ترانو: "Le Mali" (فرانسيسي)[1]
مڪانيت  مالي  (سائي رنگ وارو)
مڪانيت  مالي  (سائي رنگ وارو)
جو مقاممالي
گادي جو هنڌ بماڪو
12°39′N 8°0′W / 12.650°N 8.000°W / 12.650; -8.000
سڀ کان وڏو شهر بماڪو
دفتري ٻوليون فرانسيسي
لنگوا فرانڪا بامبارا
قومي ٻوليون * بامبارا
  • عربي
  • بومو
  • بوزو
  • تورو سو ڊوگون
  • ماسينا فلفلدي
  • مامارا سينوفو
  • ڪيتا ماننڪاڪن
  • سوننڪي
  • ڪوئرابورو سيني
  • سينارا سينوفو
  • تماشيق
  • زاسونگازانگو
نسلي گروھ
  • 50% مئنڊي ماڻهو
  • 16% فولا ماڻهو
  • 13% وولٽائڪ (سينوفو/بوا)
  • 10% تواريگ
  • 6% سونگھائي ماڻهو
  • 4% ٻيا
مقامي آبادي ماليئن
حڪومت وحداني، نيم صدارتي، ريپبلڪ
• صدر
ابراھيم ابوبڪر ڪئتا
• وزير اعظم
ٻوٻو سيسي[2]
• قومي اسيمبلي جو صدر
اساڪا سيديبي
مقننه قومي اسيمبلي
آزادي: سوڊان، مالي ۽ سينيگال جي گڏيل وفاق طور
• فرانس کان
20 جون، 1960ع
• مالي جي نالي سان قيام
22 سيپٽمبر، 1960ع
• جملي
1٬240٬192 km2 (478٬841 sq mi) (23هون)
• پاڻي (%)
• 2018ع مردم شماري
1,93,29,841[3] (67هون)
•  گھاٽائي
11.7 /km2 (30.3 /sq mi) (215هون)
جِي ڊي پي (مساوي قوت خريد ) 2018ع لڳ ڀڳ
• ڪل
44.329 ارب آمريڪي ڊالر[4]
• في سيڪڙو
2,271 آمريڪي ڊالر[4]
جِي. ڊي. پي  (رڳو نالي ۾ ) 2018ع لڳ ڀڳ
• ڪل
17.407 ارب آمريڪي ڊالر [4]

مالي (Mali)، سرڪاري نالو، "ريپبلڪ آف مالي" يا "جمهوريه مالي"، پکيڙ ۾ آفريڪا جو اٺون وڏو ملڪ آهي. ان جي پکيڙ 12,40,000 چورس ڪلوميٽر آهي ۽ آبادي سال 2018ع جي تخميني مطابق 1,93,29,841 آھي.[8] ملڪ جو گاديءَ جو هنڌ بماڪو آھي. ملڪ جي انتظامي ورھاست اٺ صوبن ۾ ٿيل آهي. خود مختيار رياست جون اتريون سرحدون صحارا رڻپٽ جي وچ تائين پهچن ٿيون. ملڪ جو ڏاکڻو حصو، جتي رهاڪن جي اڪثريت رهي ٿي، سوڊاني سوانا ۾ آهي ۽ ان مان نائيجر ۽ سينيگال نديون وهن ٿيون. ملڪ جي معيشت جو مرڪز زراعت ۽ ان جي سڀ کان نمايان قدرتي وسيلن سميت سون (جنهن مان اهو آفريڪا ۾ ٽيون نمبر وڏو پيدا ڪندڙ آهي) ۽ لوڻ جي ڪارڻ، کان کني تي آهي. ملڪ ۾ 13 ٻوليون ڳالهايون وڃن ٿيون، جن مان بامبارا سڀ کان وڌيڪ عام آهي.

مالي ٽن مسلسل طاقتور ۽ دولتمند مغربي آفريڪي سلطنتن جو حصو هو جيڪي ٽرانس-صحارا واپار تي ڪنٽرول ڪندي هيون: گھانا سلطنت (جنهن لاءِ گھانا جو نالو رکيو ويو آهي)، مالي سلطنت (جنهن لاءِ مالي نالو رکيو ويو آهي) ۽ سونگھائي سلطنت. سال 1300ع ۾ ان جي دور عروج تي، مالي سلطنت آفريڪا ۾ سڀ کان وڌيڪ دولتمند ملڪ هئي ۽ ان جو 14هين صدي جو شهنشاهه، مانسا موسي کي تاريخ جي امير ترين ماڻهن مان هڪ سمجهيو ويندو هو. واپار ۽ کان کني جو مرڪز هجڻ سان گڏ، وچين دور جو مالي اسلام، ثقافت ۽ علم جو مرڪز هو، ٽمبڪٽو پنهنجي يونيورسٽي، دنيا جي قديم ترين يونيورسٽين مان هڪ ۽ اڃا به سرگرم، سان گڏ سکيا جو هڪ مشهور مقام بڻجي ويو.

سال 1468ع ۾ وڌندڙ سونگھائي سلطنت، مالي کي سلطنت ۾ جذب ڪري ورتو، ان کانپوءِ مراڪشي فوجون سال 1591ع ۾ سونگھائي کي شڪست ڏنيو. 19هين صدي جي آخر ۾، "اسڪريبل فار آفريڪا" دوران، فرانس مالي تي قبضو ڪري ان کي فرانسيسي سوڊان جو حصو بڻائي ڇڏيو. سوڊاني جمهوريه جي طور تي، سينيگال سان گڏ هڪ مختصر فيڊريشن قائم ڪي وئي، سال 1960ع ۾ آزادي حاصل ڪئي. سينيگال جي واپسي کان پوء، مالي جي جمهوريه قائم ڪئي وئي. هڪ پارٽيءَ جي ڊگهي عرصي جي حڪومت کان پوءِ، سال 1991ع ۾ هڪ بغاوت جي نتيجي ۾ هڪ نئون آئين ۽ مالي کي هڪ جمهوري، گهڻ جماعتي رياست طور قائم ڪيو ويو.

جنوري 2012ع ۾، هڪ هٿياربند تڪرار اتر مالي ۾ ڀڃي، جنهن ۾ تواريگ باغين اتر ۾ هڪ علائقي تي قبضو ڪيو ۽ اپريل ۾ هڪ نئين رياست، "ازاواد" جي علحدگيء جو اعلان ڪيو. تڪرار مارچ، 2012ع ۾ فوجي بغاوت ۽ بعد ۾ تواريگ ۽ ٻين باغي گروپن جي وچ ۾ وڙهندي پيچيده ٿي وئي. علائقائي حاصلات جي جواب ۾، فرانسيسي فوج جنوري 2013ع ۾ "آپريشن سرويل" شروع ڪيو. هڪ مهيني بعد، مالي ۽ فرانس جي فوجون اتر جي اڪثر حصي تي ٻيهر قبضو ڪيو، جيتوڻيڪ تڪرار جاري رهيو. صدارتي چونڊون 28 جولاءِ، 2013ع تي منعقد ڪيون ويون، ٻيو دور 11 آگسٽ تي منعقد ٿيو ۽ قانون ساز چونڊون 24 نومبر ۽ 15 ڊسمبر، 2013ع تي منعقد ڪيون ويون. سال 2020ع جي شروعات ۾، مالي کي اسيمي گوئٽا پاران فوجي قبضي جو تجربو ٿيو.



نالو مالي سلطنت جي نالي مان ورتو ويو آهي. ان جو مطلب آهي "جتي بادشاهه رهندو آهي" ۽ طاقت جو مفهوم کڻندو آهي. چوٿين صدي جو مراڪشي سياح، ابن بطوطه ٻڌايو ته، "سلطنت جي گاديءَ جو هنڌ مالي سڏيو ويندو هو." منڊينڪا جي هڪ روايت ٻڌائي ٿي ته، "افسانوي پهرين شهنشاهه، سنڊيتا ڪيتا سنڪراني نديءَ ۾ پنهنجي موت کان پوءِ پاڻ کي هپوپوٽيمس ۾ تبديل ڪري ڇڏيو هو ۽ اهو ممڪن هو ته هن نديءَ جي علائقي ۾ ڳوٺ ڳولڻ ممڪن هئا جن کي "پراڻي مالي" سڏيو ويندو آهي." مالئي محاورن جي مطالعي مان معلوم ٿئي ٿو ته پراڻي مالي ۾، مالڪوما نالي هڪ ڳوٺ هيو، جنهن جي معنيٰ آهي "نئون مالي"، ۽ اهو ٿي سگهي ٿو ته مالي اڳ ۾ ڪنهن شهر جو نالو هو. هڪ ٻيو نظريو اهو ٻڌائي ٿو ته مالي، ماندي ماڻهن جي نالي جو هڪ فولاني تلفظ آهي. اهو تجويز ڪيو ويو آهي ته آواز جي ڦيرڦار جي ڪري تبديلي اچي ٿي، جنهن جي نتيجي ۾ فولاني ۾ اليوولر سيگمينٽ، "ند" (/nd/) "ل" (/l/) ڏانهن شفٽ ٿئي ٿو ۽ ٽرمينل واول ڊيناسلائيز ۽ اڀري ٿو، جيڪا "ماندي" کي "مالي" ڏانهن منتقل ڪري ٿو.


اصل مضمون جي لاءِ ڏسو History of Mali

Before colonization

The extent of the Mali Empire's peak
The pages above are from Timbuktu Manuscripts written in Sudani script (a form of Arabic) from the Mali Empire showing established knowledge of astronomy and mathematics. Today there are close to a million of these manuscripts found in Timbuktu alone.

The rock art in the Sahara suggests that northern Mali has been inhabited since 10,000 BC, when the Sahara was fertile and rich in wildlife. Early ceramics have been discovered at the central Malian site of Ounjougou dating to about 9,400 BC, and are believed to represent an instance of the independent invention of pottery in the region.[9] Farming took place by 5000 BC and iron was used by around 500 BC. In the first millennium BC, early cities and towns were created by Mande peoples related to the Soninke people, along the middle Niger River in central Mali, including Dia which began from around 900 BC, and reached its peak around 600 BC,[10] and Djenne-Djenno, which lasted from around 300 BC to 900 AD. By the sixth century AD, the lucrative trans-Saharan trade in gold, salt and slaves had begun, facilitating the rise of West Africa's great empires.

There are a few references to Mali in early Islamic literature. Among these are references to "Pene" and "Malal" in the work of al-Bakri in 1068,[11] the story of the conversion of an early ruler, known to Ibn Khaldun (by 1397) as Barmandana,[12] and a few geographical details in the work of al-Idrisi.[13]

Mali was once part of three famed West African empires which controlled trans-Saharan trade in gold, salt, other precious commodities, and slaves majorly during the reign of Mansa Musa from c. 1312 – c. 1337.[14] These Sahelian kingdoms had neither rigid geopolitical boundaries nor rigid ethnic identities.[14] The earliest of these empires was the Ghana Empire, which was dominated by the Soninke, a Mande-speaking people.[14] The empire expanded throughout West Africa from the eighth century until 1078, when it was conquered by the Almoravids.[15]

The Battle of Kirina in 1235, culminated in a victory for the Mandinka under the command of the exiled prince Sundiata Keita, which led to the downfall of the Sosso Empire.

Map of the Pashalik of Timbuktu (yellow-striped) as part of the Saadi dynasty of Morocco (outlined black) within the Songhai Empire (outlined red), ت. 1591
Griots of Sambala, king of Médina (Fula people, Mali), 1890. Photo by Joannès Barbier.

The Mali Empire later formed on the upper Niger River, and reached the height of power in the 14th century.[15] Under the Mali Empire, the ancient cities of Djenné and Timbuktu were centers of both trade and Islamic learning.[15] The empire later declined as a result of internal intrigue, ultimately being supplanted by the Songhai Empire.[15] The Songhai had long been a major power in West Africa subject to the Mali Empire's rule.[15]

In the late 14th century, the Songhai gradually gained independence from the Mali Empire and expanded, ultimately subsuming the entire eastern portion of the Mali Empire.[15] The Songhai Empire's eventual collapse was largely the result of the Moroccan invasion of 1591 under the command of Judar Pasha.[15] The fall of the Songhai Empire marked the end of the region's role as a trading crossroads.[15] Following the establishment of sea routes by the European powers, the trans-Saharan trade routes lost significance.[15] At that time, the Mali Empire's abundance in wealth expanded its commercial assets of salt and gold.

One of the worst famines in the region's recorded history occurred in the 18th century. According to John Iliffe, "The worst crises were in the 1680s, when famine extended from the Senegambian coast to the Upper Nile and 'many sold themselves for slaves, only to get a sustenance', and especially in 1738–1756, when West Africa's greatest recorded subsistence crisis, due to drought and locusts, reportedly killed half the population of Timbuktu."[16]

French colonial rule

Cotton being processed in Niono into 180 kg (400 lb) bales for export to other parts of Africa and to France, c. 1950

Mali fell under the control of France during the Scramble for Africa in the late 19th century.[15] By 1905, most of the area was under firm French control as a part of French Sudan.[15]

In November 1915, a large anti-French uprising broke out among the tribes in the regions of present-day Mali and Burkina Faso.[17] The last resistance was suppressed only in September 1916. During the suppression of the uprising, over 100 villages were destroyed by French colonial troops.[18]

On 24 November 1958, French Sudan (which changed its name to the Sudanese Republic) became an autonomous republic within the French Community.[19] In January 1959, Mali and Senegal united to become the Mali Federation.[19]



The Mali Federation gained independence from France on 20 June 1960.[15] Senegal withdrew from the federation in August 1960, which allowed the Sudanese Republic to become the independent Republic of Mali on 22 September 1960, and that date is now the country's Independence Day.[20]

Modibo Keïta was elected the first president.[15] He quickly established a one-party state, adopted an independent African and socialist orientation with close ties to the East, and implemented extensive nationalization of economic resources.[15] In 1960, the population of Mali was reported to be about 4.1 million.[21] On 19 November 1968, following progressive economic decline, the Keïta regime was overthrown in a bloodless military coup led by Moussa Traoré,[22] a day which is now commemorated as Liberation Day.[23]

Moussa Traoré regime


The subsequent military-led regime, with Traoré as president, attempted to reform the economy. His efforts were frustrated by political turmoil and a devastating drought from 1968 to 1974,[22] in which famine killed thousands of people.[24] The Traoré regime faced student unrest beginning in the late 1970s and three coup attempts. The Traoré regime repressed all dissenters until the late 1980s.[22]

WWI Commemorative Monument to the "Armée Noire"

Opposition to the corrupt and dictatorial regime of General Moussa Traoré grew during the 1980s. During this time strict programs, imposed to satisfy demands of the International Monetary Fund, brought increased hardship upon the country's population, while elites close to the government supposedly lived in growing wealth. The government continued to attempt economic reforms, and the populace became increasingly dissatisfied.[22] In response to growing demands for multi-party democracy, the Traoré regime allowed some limited political liberalization in the late 1980s, but refused to usher in a full-fledged democratic system.[22]

In 1990, cohesive opposition movements began to emerge, and was complicated by the turbulent rise of ethnic violence in the north following the return of many Tuaregs who had migrated to Algeria and Libya during the drought.[22] Peaceful student protests in January 1991 were brutally suppressed, with mass arrests and torture of leaders and participants.[25] Scattered acts of rioting and vandalism of public buildings followed, but most actions by the dissidents remained nonviolent.[25]

From 22 March through 26 March 1991, mass pro-democracy rallies and a nationwide strike was held in both urban and rural communities, which became known as les évenements ("the events") or the March Revolution. In Bamako, in response to mass demonstrations organized by university students and later joined by trade unionists and others, soldiers opened fire indiscriminately on the nonviolent demonstrators. Riots broke out briefly following the shootings. Barricades as well as roadblocks were erected and Traoré declared a state of emergency and imposed a nightly curfew. Despite an estimated loss of 300 lives over the course of four days, nonviolent protesters continued to return to Bamako each day demanding the resignation of the dictatorial president and the implementation of democratic policies.[26]

26 March 1991 is the day that marks the clash between military soldiers and peaceful demonstrating students which climaxed in the massacre of dozens under the orders of Traoré. He and three associates were later tried and convicted and received the death sentence for their part in the decision-making of that day. Nowadays, the day is a national holiday in order to remember the tragic events and the people who were killed.[27][28] The coup is remembered as Mali's March Revolution of 1991.[29]

By 26 March, the growing refusal of soldiers to fire into the largely nonviolent protesting crowds turned into a full-scale tumult, and resulted in thousands of soldiers putting down their arms and joining the pro-democracy movement. That afternoon, Lieutenant Colonel Amadou Toumani Touré announced on the radio that he had arrested the dictatorial president, Moussa Traoré.

Multi-party democracy


Opposition parties were legalized, a transitional government was formed and a national congress of civil and political groups met to draft a new democratic constitution to be approved by a national referendum.[26][22] In 1992, Alpha Oumar Konaré won Mali's first democratic, multi-party presidential election, before being re-elected for a second term in 1997, which was the last allowed under the constitution. Amadou Toumani Touré, a retired general who had been the leader of the military aspect of the 1991 democratic uprising, was elected in 2002.[30] During this democratic period Mali was regarded as one of the most politically and socially stable countries in Africa.[31]

Slavery persists in Mali today with as many as 200,000 people held in direct servitude to a master.[32] In the Tuareg Rebellion of 2012, ex-slaves were a vulnerable population with reports of some slaves being recaptured by their former masters.[33]

Northern Mali conflict

اصل مضمون جي لاءِ ڏسو Mali War
Tuareg separatist rebels in Mali, January 2012

In January 2012 a Tuareg rebellion began in northern Mali, led by the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA).[34] In March, military officer Amadou Sanogo seized power in a coup d'état, citing Touré's failures in quelling the rebellion, and leading to sanctions and an embargo by the Economic Community of West African States.[35] The MNLA quickly took control of the north, declaring its independence as Azawad.[36] However, Islamist groups, including Ansar Dine and Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), who had helped the MNLA defeat the government, turned on the Tuareg and took control of the north[37] with the goal of implementing sharia in Mali.[38][39]

On 11 January 2013, the French Armed Forces intervened at the request of the interim government of president Dioncounda Traoré. On 30 January, the coordinated advance of the French and Malian troops claimed to have retaken the last remaining Islamist stronghold of Kidal, which was also the last of three northern provincial capitals.[40] On 2 February, French president François Hollande joined Dioncounda Traoré in a public appearance in recently recaptured Timbuktu.[41]

Map showing the fullest extent of rebel-held territory in January 2013

In August 2013, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita was elected as the new president of Mali in the second round of the election.[42]

Conflict in Central Mali


In the central Mali province of Mopti, conflict has escalated since 2015 between agricultural communities like the Dogon and the Bambara, and the pastoral Fula (or Fulani) people.[43][44] Historically, the two sides have fought over access to land and water, factors which have been exacerbated by climate change as the Fula move into new areas.[45] The Dogon and the Bambara communities have formed "self-defense groups"[44] to fight the Fula. They accuse the Fula of working with armed Islamists linked to al-Qaeda.[44] While some Fula have joined Islamist groups, Human Rights Watch reports that the links have been "exaggerated and instrumentalized by different actors for opportunistic ends".[44]

Added a top Mali military commander:

I’ve discussed the growing violence with my commanders and with village chiefs from all sides. Yes, sure, there are jihadists in this zone, but the real problem is banditry, animal theft, score settling – people are enriching themselves using the fight against terrorists as a cover.[44]

The conflict has seen the creation and growth of Dogon and Bambara militias. The government of Mali is suspected of supporting some of these groups under the guise of being proxies in the war against Islamists in the Northern Mali conflict.[46] The government denies this.[46] One such militia is the Dogon group Dan Na Ambassagou, created in 2016.[44]

Modibo Sidibe voting in Bamako, 2018 Malian presidential election

In the 2018 Malian presidential election held on 29 July 2018,[47][48] no candidate received more than 50% of the vote in the first round. A runoff was held on 12 August 2018 between the top two candidates, incumbent president Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta of the Rally for Mali and Soumaïla Cissé of the Union for the Republic and Democracy, and Keïta was re-elected with 67% of the vote.[49]

In September 2018, the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue negotiated a unilateral ceasefire with Dan Na Ambassagou "in the context of the conflict which opposes the group to other community armed groups in central Mali".[50] However, the group has been blamed for the 24 March 2019 massacre of 160 Fula villagers.[51] The group denied the attack, but afterwards Malian president Keita ordered the group to disband.[52] The UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, Adama Dieng, warned of a growing ethnicization of the conflict.[53] By 2020, more than 600,000 people had been displaced by the conflict in Mali.[54] The United Nations reported that the number of children killed in the conflict in the first six months of 2019 was twice as many for the entire year of 2018. Many of the children have been killed in intercommunal attacks attributed to ethnic militias, with the majority of attacks occurring around Mopti. It is reported that around 900 schools have closed down and that armed militias are recruiting children.[55]

During the first week of October 2019, two jihadist attacks in the towns of Boulikessi and Mondoro killed more than 25 Mali soldiers near the border with Burkina Faso.[56] President Keïta declared that "no military coup will prevail in Mali", continuing by saying that he does not think it "is on the agenda at all and cannot worry us".[57] On 1 November 2019, the IS-GS militants killed at least 50 soldiers in the 2019 Indelimane attack in the Ménaka Region of Mali.[58] In February 2020, Human Rights Watch documented atrocities against civilians in Central Mali and said that at least 456 civilians were killed, while hundreds were injured from January 2019 until November.[59]

2020s coups and Assimi Goïta junta

اصل مضمون/مضمونن جي لاءِ ڏسو 2020 Malian coup d'état ۽ 2021 Malian coup d'état
Members of the National Committee for the Salvation of the People, September 2020

Popular unrest began on 5 June 2020 following irregularities in the March and April parliamentary elections, including outrage against the kidnapping of opposition leader Soumaïla Cissé.[60][61] Between 11 and 23 deaths followed protests that took place from 10 to 13 June.[62] In July, President Keïta dissolved the constitutional court.

Members of the military led by Colonel Assimi Goïta and Colonel-Major Ismaël Wagué in Kati, Koulikoro Region, began a mutiny on 18 August 2020.[62] President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta and Prime Minister Boubou Cissé were arrested, and shortly after midnight Keïta announced his resignation, saying he did not want to see any bloodshed.[62] Wagué announced the formation of the National Committee for the Salvation of the People (CNSP) and promised elections in the future. A curfew was begun and the streets of Bamako were quiet.[62] The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) condemned the coup and demanded that Keïta be reinstated as president.[63]

On 12 September 2020, the CNSP agreed to an 18-month political transition to civilian rule. Shortly after, Bah N'daw was named interim president by a group of 17 electors, with Goïta being appointed vice president. The government was inaugurated on 25 September 2020. On 18 January 2021, the transitional government announced that the CNSP had been disbanded, almost four months after had been promised under the initial agreement.[64]

Tensions between the civilian transitional government and the military ran high after the handover of power in September 2020. The tensions came to a head on 24 May 2021 after a cabinet reshuffle, where two leaders of the 2020 military coup – Sadio Camara and Modibo Kone – were replaced by N'daw's administration.[65] Later that day, journalists reported that three key civilian leaders – President N'daw, Prime Minister Moctar Ouane and Defence Minister Souleymane Doucouré, were being detained in a military base in Kati, outside Bamako.[66] On 7 June 2021, Mali's military commander Assimi Goïta was sworn into office as the new interim president.[67]

Military situation in Mali. For a detailed map, see here.

In 2022 and 2023, the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara saw major gains in the Mali War, occupying large swathes of territory in southeastern Mali. Ansongo and Tidermène were also captured by the group.[68] By mid-2023, the militant group had doubled the amount of territory it controlled since the overthrow of the previous government and establishment of the junta.[69]

On 10 January 2022, Mali announced the closure of its borders and recalled several ambassadors to ECOWAS countries in response to sanctions placed on Mali for deferring elections for four years.[70] On 4 February, France's ambassador was expelled.[71] According to Human Rights Watch, Malian troops and suspected Russian mercenaries from the Wagner Group executed around 300 civilian men in central Mali in March 2022. France had started withdrawing French troops from Mali in February 2022, commencing the end of Operation Barkhane.[72] On 2 May, the military government announced breaking its defence accords concluded in 2013 with France, constituting an additional step in the deterioration of Malian–French relations.[73] This latest announcement has been criticized by French authorities and considered as "illegitimate".[74] A UN panel reported that in the first three months of 2022, 543 civilians were killed and 269 wounded, warning the 2015 peace agreement between the government and pro-independence groups was threatened by a potential risk of confrontation for the first time in five years. The report also noted a sharp increase in the number of people needing humanitarian assistance over the previous year.[75]

Sergey Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, visited Bamako on 7 February 2023 and said that Moscow would continue to help Mali improve its military capabilities.[76]

In June 2023, Mali removed French, the language of its former colonizer, as an official language with the approval of a new constitution by 97% of voters in a referendum conducted by the junta.[77]

On 7 September 2023, al-Qaeda linked JNIM militants attacked a vessel on the Niger River, killing at least 154 civilians.[78]

In July 2024, CSP-DPA rebels and JNIM militants killed dozens of Russian mercenaries and Malian government forces during the Battle of Tinzaouaten.[79] On 5 August 2024 the Republic of Mali announced that it was severing diplomatic relations with Ukraine.[80][81]

On 17 September 2024, al-Qaeda linked JNIM militants attacked several locations across Bamako, killing at least 77 people and injuring 255 others.[82]



سياست ۽ حڪومت








پڻ ڏسو



ٻاهريان ڳنڍڻا


سانچو:Mali topics

17°N 4°W / 17°N 4°W / 17; -4


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