
ارضيات ۽ طبعي جاگرافي ۾، پليٽيو (اردو:سطح مرتفع؛ انگريزي: Plateau؛ فرانسيسي: plateaux)،[1] اچو ميدان يا ٽيبل لينڊ به چئبو آهي، هڪ اچي علائقي (Highland) جي هموار ايراضي آهي جيڪا آس پاس کان ڪم از ڪم هڪ طرف کان تيزي سان بلند ٿيندي آهي.[2] گهڻو ڪري هڪ يا وڌيڪ پاسن تي اونها جبل يا ٽڪريون هونديون آهن. [2] پليٽيو ڪيترن ئي عملن سان ٺهي سگهن ٿا، جن ۾ آتش فشان جو اڀرڻ، لاوي جو خارج ٿيڻ ۽ پاڻي جي باڊي يا گليشيئرن جو خاتمو شامل آهن. پليٽيو جي انهن جي ڀرپاسي جي ماحول جي مطابق انٽرمونٽاني، پيڊيمونٽ يا ڪانٽينينٽل طور تي درجه بندي ڪئي وئي آهي. ڪجھ پليٽيو ۾ ننڍو هموار ٽاپ ٿي سگھي ٿو جڏهن ته ٻين ۾ ويڪرو ٽاپ هوندو آهي.
[سنواريو]پليٽيو ڪيترن ئي عملن سان ٺهي سگهن ٿا جن ۾ آتش فشاني ميگما جو اڀرڻ، لاوا جو نڪرڻ، پليٽ ٽيڪٽونڪ حرڪتون ۽ پاڻي ۽ گليشيئرز جو خاتمو شامل آهن.
آتش فشاني
[سنواريو]- اصل مضمون جي لاءِ ڏسو آتش فشاني پليٽيو

آتش فشاني پليٽيو آتش فشاني سرگرمي جي ڪري پيدا ٿين ٿا. اتر-اولهه آمريڪا ۾ ڪولمبيا پليٽيو هڪ مثال آهي. اهي آتش فشاني ميگما جي اڀرڻ يا لاوا جي خارج ٿيڻ سان ٺهي سگهن ٿا. مٿي چڙهڻ کان پليٽيو ٺهڻ ۾ هيٺيون لائننگ ميڪانيزم تڏهن شروع ٿئي ٿو جڏهن ميگما مينٽل مان اڀري ٿو، جنهن جي ڪري زمين مٿي ٿي وڃي ٿي. اهڙيءَ طرح، پٿر جا وڏا، چٽا علائقا مٿي اٿاريا ويندا آهن ته جيئن پليٽو ٺهي. پٿرن کي ٻاھر ڪڍڻ سان ٺھيل آھي، پٿر لاوا مان ٺاھيو ويو آھن جيڪو ڪرسٽ ۾ ڦاٽن ۽ ڪمزور علائقن مان ٻاھر پکڙجي ٿو.
ٽيڪٽونڪ حرڪت
[سنواريو]ٽيڪٽونڪ پليٽيو ٽيڪٽونڪ پليٽن جي حرڪتن سان ٺهندا آهن جيڪي اوچائي جو سبب بڻجن ٿيون ۽ عام طور تي وڏي سائيز جي ۽ ڪافي هڪجهڙائي جي اوچائي هوندي آهي. مثال هندستان ۾ ڏکڻ جي پليٽو ۽ آئيبيريئن جزيري نما تي ميسيتا سينٽرل پليٽيو آهن.[3]
[سنواريو]پليٽيو پڻ جبلن جي قطارن تي گليشيئرز جي تباهي واري عمل سان ٺھي سگھن ٿا، انھن کي جبلن جي قطارن جي وچ ۾ ويھي رھيو آھي. پاڻي پليٽيو ۾ جبلن ۽ ٻين زميني شڪلن کي به هيٺ ڪري سگهي ٿو. ورهايل پليٽيو ڏاڍا ختم ٿيل پليٽيو آهن جيڪي دريائن جي ذريعي ڪٽيل آهن ۽ ڊگهن تنگ وادين سان ٽڪرائجن ٿيون. هڪ مثال اسڪاٽش هاءِ لينڊز آهي.[4]
درجه بندي
[سنواريو]پليٽيو جي درجا بندي انهن جي آس پاس جي ماحول جي مطابق ڪئي وئي آهي. Intermontane Plateaus
- انٽر مونٽاني پليٽيو دنيا ۾ سڀ کان وڌيڪ ۽ سڀ کان وڌيڪ وسيع پليٽيو آهن، جيڪي فولڊ جبلن سان ڍڪيل آهن. مثالن ۾ هماليه ۽ ڪنلون جبلن جي وچ ۾ تبت جو پليٽيو ۽ انڊيز جي ٻن سلسلن جي وچ ۾ الٽيپلانو پليٽيو آهن.
- لاوي واري يا ٻرندڙ پليٽيو اها پليٽيو آهن جيڪي وسيع ٻرندڙ جبلن جي ڦاٽن جي علائقن ۾ ٿينديون آهن. اهو ميگما جيڪو وڏي ايراضيءَ تي پکڙيل ڪرسٽ ۾ تنگ ٽڪرن يا ڦڙن ذريعي نڪرندو آهي ۽ مضبوط ٿيندو آهي. لاوا جي چادر جون اهي پرتون لاوا يا آتش فشاني پليٽون ٺاهينديون آهن. اتر آئرلينڊ ۾ انترم پليٽيو، ڀارت ۾ ڏکڻ پليٽيو ۽ آمريڪا ۾ ڪولمبيا پليٽيو لاوا پليٽيو جي مثالون آهن.
- پيڊيمونٽ پليٽيو هڪ طرف جبلن سان ۽ ٻئي طرف هڪ ميداني علائقي يا سمنڊ سان سرحدون رکندا آهن. اپالاچيئن جبلن ۽ ائٽلانٽڪ ميدانن جي وچ ۾ مشرقي آمريڪا جو علائقو هن جي هڪ مثال آهي.
- ڪانٽينينٽل پليٽيو سڀني پاسن کان ميدانن يا سمنڊن سان لڳل آهن ئ جبلن کان پري ٺهين ٿا. براعظمي پليٽيو جو هڪ مثال اوڀر انٽارڪٽيڪا ۾ انٽارڪٽڪ پليٽيو آهي.
کنڊن طرفان وڏا پليٽيو
[سنواريو]The highest African plateau is the Ethiopian Highlands which cover the central part of Ethiopia. It forms the largest continuous area of its altitude in the continent, with little of its surface falling below 1,500 metres (4,921 ft), while the summits reach heights of up to 4,550 metres (14,928 ft). It is sometimes called the Roof of Africa due to its height and large area.
Another example is the Highveld which is the portion of the South African inland plateau which has an altitude above approximately 1,500 metres, but below 2,100 metres, thus excluding the Lesotho mountain regions. It is home to some of the largest South African urban agglomerations.
In Egypt are the Giza Plateau[5] and Galala Mountain, which was once called Gallayat Plateaus, rising 3,300 ft above sea level.[6]
[سنواريو]Another very large plateau is the icy Antarctic Plateau, which is sometimes referred to as the Polar Plateau or King Haakon VII Plateau, home to the geographic South Pole and the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station, which covers most of East Antarctica where there are no known mountains but rather 3٬000 m (9٬800 ft) high of superficial ice and which spreads very slowly toward the surrounding coastline through enormous glaciers. The polar ice cap is so massive that the echolocation measurements of ice thickness have shown that large areas are below sea level. But, as the ice melts, the land beneath will rebound through isostasy and ultimately rise above sea level.[حوالو گهربل]
[سنواريو]The largest and highest plateau in the world is the Tibetan Plateau, sometimes metaphorically described as the "Roof of the World", which is still being formed by the collisions of the Indo-Australian and Eurasian tectonic plates. The Tibetan Plateau covers approximately 2٬500٬000 km2 (970٬000 sq mi), at about 5٬000 m (16٬000 ft) above sea level. The plateau is sufficiently high to reverse the Hadley cell convection cycles and to drive the monsoons of India towards the south. The Deosai Plains in Pakistan are situated at an average elevation of 4,114 meters (13,497 ft) above sea level. They are considered to be the second highest plateaus in the world.
Other major plateaus in Asia are: Najd on the Arabian Peninsula, elevation 762 to 1,525 m (2,500 to 5,003 ft), Armenian Highlands (≈400٬000 km2 (150٬000 sq mi), elevation 900–2٬100 ميٽر (3٬000–6٬900 ft)), Iranian Plateau (≈3٬700٬000 km2 (1٬400٬000 sq mi), elevation 300–1٬500 ميٽر (980–4٬920 ft)), Anatolian Plateau, Mongolian Plateau (≈2٬600٬000 km2 (1٬000٬000 sq mi), elevation 1٬000–1٬500 ميٽر (3٬300–4٬900 ft)), and the Deccan Plateau (≈1٬900٬000 km2 (730٬000 sq mi), elevation 300–600 ميٽر (980–1٬970 ft)).
North America
[سنواريو]A large plateau in North America is the Colorado Plateau, which covers about 337٬000 km2 (130٬000 sq mi) in Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.[7]
In northern Arizona and southern Utah the Colorado Plateau is bisected by the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon. This came to be over 10 million years ago, a river was already there, though not necessarily on exactly the same course. Then, subterranean geological forces caused the land in that part of North America to gradually rise by about a centimeter per year for millions of years. An unusual balance occurred: the river that would become the Colorado River was able to erode into the crust of the Earth at a nearly equal rate to the uplift of the plateau. Now, millions of years later, the North Rim of the Grand Canyon is at an elevation of about 2٬450 m (8٬040 ft) above sea level, and the South Rim of the Grand Canyon is about 2٬150 m (7٬050 ft) above sea level. At its deepest, the Colorado River is about 1٬830 m (6٬000 ft) below the level of the North Rim.
Another high-altitude plateau in North America is the Mexican Plateau. With an area of 601٬882 km2 (232٬388 sq mi) and average height of 1,825 metres, it is the home of more than 70 million people.
[سنواريو]The Western Plateau, part of the Australian Shield, is an ancient craton covering much of the continent's southwest, an area of some 700,000 square kilometres. It has an average elevation between 305 and 460 metres.
The North Island Volcanic Plateau is an area of high land occupying much of the centre of the North Island of New Zealand, with volcanoes, lava plateaus, and crater lakes, the most notable of which is the country's largest lake, Lake Taupō. The plateau stretches approximately 100 km east to west and 130 km north to south. The majority of the plateau is more than 600 metres above sea level.
South America
[سنواريو]A tepui (pronunciation: /ˈtɛpwi/), or tepuy (es), is a table-top mountain or mesa found in the Guiana Highlands of South America, especially in Venezuela and western Guyana. The word tepui means "house of the gods" in the native tongue of the Pemon, the Indigenous people who inhabit the Gran Sabana.
Tepuis can be considered minute plateaus and tend to be found as isolated entities rather than in connected ranges, which makes them the host of a unique array of endemic plant and animal species. Some of the most outstanding tepuis are Neblina, Autana, Auyan and Mount Roraima. They are typically composed of sheer blocks of Precambrian quartz arenite sandstone that rise abruptly from the jungle, giving rise to spectacular natural scenery. Auyán-tepui is the source of Angel Falls, the world's tallest waterfall.
The Colombian capital city of Bogota sits on an Andean plateau known as the Altiplano Cundiboyacense roughly the size of Switzerland. Averaging a height of 2٬600 m (8٬500 ft) above sea level, this northern Andean plateau is situated in the country's eastern range and is divided into three main flat regions: the Bogotá savanna, the valleys of Ubaté and Chiquinquirá, and the valleys of Duitama and Sogamoso.

The parallel Sierra of Andes delimit one of the world highest plateaux: the Altiplano, (Spanish for "high plain"), Andean Plateau or Bolivian Plateau. It lies in west-central South America, where the Andes are at their widest, is the most extensive area of high plateau on Earth outside of Tibet. The bulk of the Altiplano lies within Bolivian and Peruvian territory while its southern parts lie in Chile. The Altiplano plateau hosts several cities like Puno, Oruro, El Alto and La Paz the administrative seat of Bolivia. Northeastern Altiplano is more humid than the Southwestern, the latter of which hosts several salares, or salt flats, due to its aridity. At the Bolivia-Peru border lies Lake Titicaca, the largest lake in South America.
پڻ ڏسو
[سنواريو]- پوٺوهار پليٽيو
- وادي سون
- ديوسائي نيشنل پارڪ: گلگت بلتستان، پاڪستان ۾ قومي پارڪ
- ميسا: زمين جو اونڌو علائقو جنهن جي مٿان ۽ پاسن سان، عام طور تي بٽس (Buttes) کان گهڻو ويڪرو
- سامونڊي پليٽيو: نسبتاً هموار سطح سمندر کان نيچي جو علائقو جيڪو سامونڊي ڪناري جي سطح کان چڱيءَ طرح مٿي اڀري ٿو
- پوتريرو: ڊگھو ميسا جيڪو ھڪ ڇيڙي تي مٿاھين علائقن ڏانھن ھلندو آھي
- تويا: ٿلهي چوٽيءَ وارو، ٻرندڙ جبل ٺھي ٿو، جڏھن لاوا ٿلهي گليشيئر يا برف جي چادر مان نڪرندو آھي.
خارجي لنڪس
[سنواريو] وڪيميڊيا العام تي پليٽيو بابت زمرا
[سنواريو]- ↑ "plateau". Cambridge English Dictionary. Cambridge University Press. حاصل ڪيل 2017-08-26.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Huggett 2011.
- ↑ حوالي جي چڪ: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs named:0
- ↑ Garcia-Castellanos, D. (2007). "The role of climate during high plateau formation. Insights from numerical experiments.". Earth and Planetary Science Letters 257 (3–4): 372–390. doi: . Bibcode: 2007E&PSL.257..372G. https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B_xuyENh5ksFMzdiZjg0NGUtNWQ5Zi00YTU0LThkODctODA3ZWMxYjAzNTI2&export=download&hl=en.
- ↑ The Ibis. 1906. pp. 206–. https://books.google.com/books?id=ML5HAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA206.
- ↑ Mikhail, Maged S. A.; Moussa, Mark (2009). Christianity and Monasticism in Wadi Al-Natrun: Essays from the 2002 International Symposium of the Saint Mark Foundation and the Saint Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society. American Univ in Cairo Press. pp. 63–. ISBN 978-977-416-260-2. https://books.google.com/books?id=4eBv2vuo7lYC&pg=PA63.
- ↑ Leighty, Robert D. "Colorado Plateau Physiographic Province". Contract Report. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DOD) Information Sciences Office. وقت 2004-09-26 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل 2007-12-25. Unknown parameter
ignored (مدد) - ↑ "The Road to the Stars". حاصل ڪيل 27 July 2015.
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- Plateaus
- Slope landforms
- ارضيات
- جاگرافي
- سطح مرتفع