برٽش ڪولمبيا
برٽش ڪولمبيا British Columbia | |
![]() جھنڊو | |
شُعار: '"Splendor sine occasu" (فرینچ)
"بغير خرابي جي شان" | |
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گادي جو هنڌ | وڪٽوريا 54°N 125°W / 54°N 125°W[1] |
سڀ کان وڏو شهر | وانڪوور |
حڪومت | پارلياماني آئيني بادشاهت |
پکيڙ | |
• خُشڪي |
925٬186 km2 (357٬216 sq mi) |
• پاڻي |
19٬548.9 km2 (7٬547.9 sq mi) |
برٽش ڪولمبيا (British Columbia)، يا مختصر لاءِ BC، ڪينيڊا جو اولهه وارو صوبو آهي. پئسفڪ سمنڊ ۽ راڪي جبلن جي وچ ۾ واقع، صوبو هڪ متنوع جاگرافي آهي، بيشمار نظارن سان، جنهن ۾ پٿر جي ساحلي پٽيون، سٽي ساحل، ٻيلا، ڍنڍون، جبل، اندريون ريگستان ۽ گھاس جا ميدان شامل آهن.[10] برٽش ڪولمبيا جي اوڀر ۾ البرٽا صوبي جي سرحد آهي؛ يوڪون جا علائقا ۽ اتر ۾ اتر اولهه وارا علائقا؛ آمريڪا جون رياستون واشنگٽن، اڊاهو ۽ مونٽانا ڏکڻ ۾، ۽ الاسڪا اتر اولهه ۾. 2024 تائين اندازي مطابق 56 لک کان مٿي جي آبادي سان، اهو ڪئناڊا جو ٽيون نمبر وڏو صوبو آهي. برٽش ڪولمبيا جي گاديءَ جو هنڌ وڪٽوريا آهي، جڏهن ته صوبي جو سڀ کان وڏو شهر وانڪوور آهي. وانڪوور ۽ ان جا مضافات گڏجي ڪئناڊا ۾ ٽيون نمبر وڏو ميٽروپوليٽن علائقو ٺاهيندا آهن، 2021 جي مردم شماري سان گڏ ميٽرو وينڪوور ۾ 26 لک ماڻهو رڪارڊ ڪيا ويا آهن.[11] برٽش ڪولمبيا، ڪل ايراضي جي لحاظ کان، ڪيوبيڪ ۽ اونٽاريو کان پوءِ ڪئنيڊا جو ٽيون نمبر وڏو صوبو آهي.[12]
علائقي جا پهريون ڄاتل انساني رهواسي گهٽ ۾ گهٽ 10,000 سال اڳ برٽش ڪولمبيا ۾ آباد ٿيا. هن گروهن ۾ ساحل سالش، سلهقوتين، هئدا ۽ ٻين ڪيترن ئي قومون شامل آهن. هن علائقي ۾ قديم ترين برطانوي آبادين مان هڪ قلعو وڪٽوريا هو، جيڪو 1843ع ۾ قائم ٿيو، جنهن وڪٽوريا جي شهر کي جنم ڏنو، جيڪو وينڪوور ٻيٽ جي ڪالوني جي گاديءَ جو هنڌ آهي. برٽش ڪولمبيا جي ڪالوني (1858ع -1866) بعد ۾ رچرڊ ڪليمينٽ موڊي[13] ۽ رائل انجنيئرز، ڪولمبيا ڊيٽيچمينٽ پاران، فريزر ڪينيئن گولڊ رش جي جواب ۾، قائم ڪئي وئي. موڊي هن سائيٽ کي چونڊيو ۽ مين لينڊ ڪالوني جي گاديءَ جو هنڌ نيو ويسٽ منسٽر قائم ڪيو.[14][15][16]
وينڪوور ٻيٽ ۽ برٽش ڪولمبيا جون ڪالونيون 1866ع ۾ شامل ڪيون ويون، جنهن بعد وڪٽوريا گڏيل ڪالوني جي گاديءَ جو هنڌ بڻجي ويو. 1871ع ۾، برٽش ڪولمبيا، برٽش ڪولمبيا يونين جي شرطن جي نفاذ ۾ ڪينيڊا جي ڇهين صوبي جي حيثيت سان ڪنفيڊريشن ۾ داخل ٿيو. برٽش ڪولمبيا هڪ متنوع ۽ گھن ثقافتي صوبو آهي، جيڪو پنهنجي برٽش ڪينيڊين، يورپي ۽ ايشيائي ڊاسپورا ۽ ان سان گڏ اندين آباديءَ جي ثقافتي اثرن جي هڪ وڏي تعداد تي مشتمل آهي. جيتوڻيڪ صوبي جي نسلي اڪثريت برطانوي ٻيٽن مان نڪرندي آهي، ڪيترائي برٽش ڪولمبين پڻ پنهنجن ابن ڏاڏن کي براعظم يورپ، اوڀر ايشيا ۽ ڏکڻ ايشيا ڏانهن ڳوليندا آهن.[17] مقامی اندين ڪينيڊين صوبي جي ڪل آبادي جو اٽڪل 6 سيڪڙو آھن.[18] عيسائيت علائقي ۾ سڀ کان وڏو مذهب آهي، جيتوڻيڪ آبادي جي اڪثريت غير مذهبي آهي.[19][20]
انگريزي صوبي جي عام ٻولي آهي، جيتوڻيڪ پنجابي، منڊارين چيني ۽ ڪينٽونيز پڻ میترو وينڪوور جي علائقي ۾ وڏي تعداد ۾ موجود آهن. فرانڪو-ڪولمبين ڪميونٽي هڪ سرڪاري طور تي تسليم ٿيل لساني اقليت آهي ۽ تقريباً هڪ سيڪڙو برٽش ڪولمبين جي دعويٰ آهي ته فرينچ کي سندن مادري زبان آهي.[21] برٽش ڪولمبيا گهٽ ۾ گهٽ 34 ڌار ڌار ٻولين جو گهر آهي.[22]
برٽش ڪولمبيا جي معيشت جي مکيه شعبن ۾ جنگلات، کان کني، فلم سازي ۽ وڊيو پيداوار، سياحت، ريئل اسٽيٽ، تعمير، هول سيل ۽ پرچون شامل آهن. ان جي مکيه برآمدات ۾ لمبر ۽ ڪاٺ، گوپ ۽ ڪاغذ جون شيون، ٽامي، ڪوئلي ۽ قدرتي گئس شامل آهن. برٽش ڪولمبيا اعليٰ جائداد جي قدرن جي نمائش ڪري ٿو ۽ سامونڊي واپار لاءِ هڪ اهم مرڪز آهي: بندرگاهه وانڪوور ڪئناڊا جو سڀ کان وڏو بندرگاهه آهي ۽ اتر آمريڪا ۾ سڀ کان وڌيڪ متنوع بندرگاهه آهي. جيتوڻيڪ صوبي جي علائقي جو 5 سيڪڙو کان به گھٽ علائقو قابل زراعت آهي، پر گرم آبهوا جي ڪري اهم زراعت فريزر وادي ۽ اوڪاناگن ۾ موجود آهي. برٽش ڪولمبيا ڪينيڊا ۾ سڀني عوامي فهرستن جي ڪمپنين جو 45٪ گھر آھي.
صوبي جو نالو راڻي وڪٽوريا طرفان چونڊيو ويو، جڏهن برٽش ڪولمبيا جي ڪالوني 1858ع ۾ برطانوي ڪالوني بڻجي وئي. اهو ڪولمبيا ضلعي، برٽش ڪولمبيا جي علائقي لاءِ برطانوي نالو، ڏانهن اشارو ڪري ٿو. ڪولمبيا درياء، ڏکڻ اوڀر برٽش ڪولمبيا ۾، جيڪو هڊسن بي ڪمپني جي اڳوڻي اوريگن ٽريٽي ڪولمبيا ڊپارٽمينٽ جو نالو هو. راڻي وڪٽوريا برٽش ڪولمبيا کي چونڊيو ته برٽش ڪولمبيا ضلعي جو برٽش سيڪٽر آمريڪا کان ڪهڙو هو ("آمريڪن ڪولمبيا" يا "ڏکڻ ڪولمبيا")، جيڪو معاهدي جي نتيجي ۾ 8 آگسٽ 1848 تي اوريگون علائقو بڻجي ويو. آخرڪار، برٽش ڪولمبيا جي نالي ۾ ڪولمبيا ڪولمبيا ريڊيويوا، هڪ آمريڪي جهاز جنهن پنهنجو نالو ڪولمبيا درياءَ ۽ بعد ۾ وسيع علائقو ڏنو، جي نالي مان نڪتل آهي. ڪولمبيا جي نالي ۾ ڪولمبيا ريڊيويوا، نيو ورلڊ يا ان جا حصا، ڪرسٽوفر ڪولمبس جي حوالي سان، نالي ڪولمبيا مان آيو آهي. ڪئنیڊا ۽ برٽش ڪولمبيا جون حڪومتون ڪولمبي۔بریٽینڪ (Colombie-Britannique) صوبي جو فرانسيسي نالو تسليم ڪن ٿيون.
برٽش ڪولمبيا اولهه ۾ پئسفڪ سمنڊ ۽ آمريڪي رياست الاسڪا، اتر ۾ يوڪون ۽ اتر اولهه علائقا، اوڀر ۾ البرٽا صوبو، ۽ ڏکڻ ۾ آمريڪي رياستن واشنگٽن، آئيڊاھو ۽ مونٽانا سان سرحدون لڳل آهن. برٽش ڪولمبيا جي ڏاکڻي سرحد 1846 جي اوريگون معاهدي جي ذريعي قائم ڪئي وئي، جيتوڻيڪ ان جي تاريخ ڪيليفورنيا جي ڏکڻ تائين زمينن سان ڳنڍيل آهي. برٽش ڪولمبيا جي زميني ايراضي 9,44,735 چورس ڪلوميٽر (3,64,800 چورس ميل) آهي. برٽش ڪولمبيا جي ساحلي پٽي 27,000 ڪلوميٽرن (17,000 ميل) کان وڌيڪ پکڙيل آهي ۽ ان ۾ ٿلهي، جبل واري فجورد ۽ اٽڪل 6,000 ٻيٽ شامل آهن، جن مان گهڻا غير آباد آهن. اهو ڪئناڊا جو واحد صوبو آهي جنهن جي سرحد پئسفڪ سمنڊ سان لڳل آهي.
برٽش ڪولمبيا جي گاديءَ جو هنڌ وڪٽوريا آهي، جيڪو وانڪوور ٻيٽ جي ڏکڻ۔اوڀر طرف واقع آهي. وانڪوور ٻيٽ جي فقط هڪ تنگ پٽي، ڪيمپبیل نديءَ کان وڪٽوريا تائين، وڏي آبادي آهي. وينڪوور ٻيٽ جي اولهندي حصي جو گهڻو حصو ۽ باقي سامونڊي ڪنارن سان ڀريل برساتي ٻيلن سان ڍڪيل آهي. صوبي جو سڀ کان وڌيڪ آبادي وارو شهر وانڪوور آهي، جيڪو فريزر ندي ۽ جارجيا اسٽريٽ جي سنگم تي آهي، مکيه زمين جي ڏکڻ اولهه ڪنڊ ۾ (هڪ علائقو جنهن کي اڪثر لوئر مين لينڊ سڏيو ويندو آهي). زميني علائقي جي لحاظ کان، ايبٽسفورڊ سڀ کان وڏو شهر آهي. واندرھوف صوبي جي جاگرافيائي مرڪز جي ويجهو آهي.
Columbia is bordered to the west by the Pacific Ocean and the American state of Alaska, to the north by Yukon and the Northwest Territories, to the east by the province of Alberta, and to the south by the American states of Washington, Idaho, and Montana. The southern border of British Columbia was established by the 1846 Oregon Treaty, although its history is tied with lands as far south as California. British Columbia's land area is 944٬735 ڪلوميٽرزچورس (364٬800 sq mi). British Columbia's rugged coastline stretches for more than 27٬000 ڪلوميٽر (17٬000 mi), and includes deep, mountainous fjords and about 6,000 islands, most of which are uninhabited. It is the only province in Canada that borders the Pacific Ocean.
British Columbia's capital is Victoria, located at the southeastern tip of Vancouver Island. Only a narrow strip of Vancouver Island, from Campbell River to Victoria, is significantly populated. Much of the western part of Vancouver Island and the rest of the coast is covered by temperate rainforest.
The province's most populous city is Vancouver, which is at the confluence of the Fraser River and Georgia Strait, in the mainland's southwest corner (an area often called the Lower Mainland). By land area, Abbotsford is the largest city. Vanderhoof is near the geographic centre of the province.[23]

The Coast Mountains and the Inside Passage's many inlets provide some of British Columbia's renowned and spectacular scenery, which forms the backdrop and context for a growing outdoor adventure and ecotourism industry. 75 percent of the province is mountainous (more than 1٬000 m [3٬300 ft] above sea level); 60 percent is forested; and only about 5 percent is arable.
The province's mainland away from the coastal regions is somewhat moderated by the Pacific Ocean. Terrain ranges from dry inland forests and semi-arid valleys, to the range and canyon districts of the Central and Southern Interior, to boreal forest and subarctic prairie in the Northern Interior. High mountain regions both north and south have subalpine flora[24] and subalpine climate.
The Okanagan wine area, extending from Vernon to Osoyoos at the United States border, is one of several wine and cider-producing regions in Canada. Other wine regions in British Columbia include the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island and the Fraser Valley.
The Southern Interior cities of Kamloops and Penticton have some of the warmest and longest summer climates in Canada (while higher elevations are cold and snowy), although their temperatures are often exceeded north of the Fraser Canyon, close to the confluence of the Fraser and Thompson rivers, where the terrain is rugged and covered with desert-type flora. Semi-desert grassland is found in large areas of the Interior Plateau, with land uses ranging from ranching at lower altitudes to forestry at higher ones.
The northern, mostly mountainous, two-thirds of the province is largely unpopulated and undeveloped, except for the area east of the Rockies, where the Peace River Country contains BC's portion of the Canadian Prairies, centred at the city of Dawson Creek.
British Columbia is considered part of the Pacific Northwest and the Cascadia bioregion, along with the American states of Alaska, Idaho, (western) Montana, Oregon, Washington, and (northern) California.[25][26]

Because of the many mountain ranges and rugged coastline, British Columbia's climate varies dramatically across the province.
Coastal southern British Columbia has a mild and rainy climate influenced by the North Pacific Current. Most of the region is classified as oceanic, though pockets of warm-summer Mediterranean climate also exist in the far-southern parts of the coast. Precipitation averages above 1٬000 mm (39 in) in almost all of the coastal region, and Hucuktlis Lake on Vancouver Island receives an average of 6٬903 mm (271.8 in) of rain annually.
Due to the blocking presence of successive mountain ranges, the climate of some of the interior valleys of the province (such as the Thompson, parts of the Fraser Canyon, the southern Cariboo and parts of the Okanagan) is semi-arid with certain locations receiving less than 250 مليميٽر (10 in) in annual precipitation. The annual mean temperature in the most populated areas of the province is up to 12 °C (54 °F), the mildest anywhere in Canada.
The valleys of the Southern Interior have short winters with only brief bouts of cold or infrequent heavy snow, while those in the Cariboo, in the Central Interior, are colder because of increased altitude and latitude, but without the intensity or duration experienced at similar latitudes elsewhere in Canada. Outside of the driest valleys, the Southern and Central Interior generally have a humid continental climate with widely variable precipitation. For example, the average daily low in Prince George (roughly in the middle of the province) in January is −12 °C (10 °F).[27] Small towns in the southern interior with high elevation such as Princeton are typically colder and snowier than cities in the valleys.[28]
Heavy snowfall occurs in all elevated mountainous terrain providing bases for skiers in both south and central British Columbia. Annual snowfall on highway mountain passes in the southern interior rivals some of the snowiest cities in Canada,[29] and freezing rain and fog are sometimes present on such roads as well.[30] This can result in hazardous driving conditions, as people are usually travelling between warmer areas such as Vancouver or Kamloops, and may be unaware that the conditions may be slippery and cold.[31]

Winters are generally severe in the Northern Interior which is generally in the subarctic climate zone, but even there, milder air can penetrate far inland. The coldest temperature in British Columbia was recorded in Smith River, where it dropped to −58.9 °C (−74.0 °F) on January 31, 1947,[32] one of the coldest readings recorded anywhere in North America. Atlin in the province's far northwest, along with the adjoining Southern Lakes region of Yukon, get midwinter thaws caused by the Chinook effect, which is also common (and much warmer) in more southerly parts of the Interior.
During winter on the coast, rainfall, sometimes relentless heavy rain, dominates because of consistent barrages of cyclonic low-pressure systems from the North Pacific. Average snowfall on the coast during a normal winter is between 25 ۽ 50 سينٽيميٽر (10 ۽ 20 in), but on occasion (and not every winter) heavy snowfalls with more than 20 سينٽيميٽر (8 in) and well below freezing temperatures arrive when modified arctic air reaches coastal areas, typically for short periods, and can take temperatures below −10 °C (14 °F), even at sea level. Arctic outflow winds can occasionally result in wind chill temperatures at or even below −17.8 °C (0.0 °F).[حوالو گهربل] While winters are very wet, coastal areas are generally milder and dry during summer under the influence of stable anti-cyclonic high pressure.
Southern Interior valleys are hot in summer; for example, in Osoyoos, the July maximum temperature averages 31.7 °C (89.1 °F), making it the hottest month of any location in Canada; this hot weather sometimes spreads towards the coast or to the far north of the province. Temperatures often exceed 40 °C (104 °F) in the lower elevations of valleys in the Interior during mid-summer, with the record high of 49.6 °C (121.3 °F) being held in Lytton on June 29, 2021, during a record-breaking heat wave that year.[33]

The extended summer dryness often creates conditions that spark forest fires, from dry-lightning or man-made causes. Many areas of the province are often covered by a blanket of heavy cloud and low fog during the winter months, in contrast to abundant summer sunshine. Annual sunshine hours vary from 2200 near Cranbrook and Victoria to less than 1300 in Prince Rupert, on the North Coast just south of Southeast Alaska.
The exception to British Columbia's wet and cloudy winters is during the El Niño phase. During El Niño events, the jet stream is much farther south across North America, making the province's winters milder and drier than normal. Winters are much wetter and cooler during the opposite phase, La Niña.
Municipality | January | April | July | October | ||||
Max | Min | Max | Min | Max | Min | Max | Min | |
Prince Rupert | 5.6 °C (42.1 °F) | −0.8 °C (30.6 °F) | 10.2 °C (50.4 °F) | 2.5 °C (36.5 °F) | 16.2 °C (61.2 °F) | 10.5 °C (50.9 °F) | 11.1 °C (52.0 °F) | 4.9 °C (40.8 °F) |
Tofino | 8.3 °C (46.9 °F) | 2.3 °C (36.1 °F) | 11.9 °C (53.4 °F) | 4.0 °C (39.2 °F) | 18.9 °C (66.0 °F) | 10.5 °C (50.9 °F) | 13.6 °C (56.5 °F) | 6.3 °C (43.3 °F) |
Nanaimo | 6.9 °C (44.4 °F) | 0.1 °C (32.2 °F) | 14.1 °C (57.4 °F) | 3.9 °C (39.0 °F) | 23.9 °C (75.0 °F) | 12.3 °C (54.1 °F) | 14.6 °C (58.3 °F) | 5.2 °C (41.4 °F) |
Victoria | 7.6 °C (45.7 °F) | 1.5 °C (34.7 °F) | 13.6 °C (56.5 °F) | 4.3 °C (39.7 °F) | 22.4 °C (72.3 °F) | 11.3 °C (52.3 °F) | 14.2 °C (57.6 °F) | 5.7 °C (42.3 °F) |
Vancouver | 6.9 °C (44.4 °F) | 1.4 °C (34.5 °F) | 13.2 °C (55.8 °F) | 5.6 °C (42.1 °F) | 22.2 °C (72.0 °F) | 13.7 °C (56.7 °F) | 13.5 °C (56.3 °F) | 7.0 °C (44.6 °F) |
Chilliwack | 6.1 °C (43.0 °F) | 0.4 °C (32.7 °F) | 15.8 °C (60.4 °F) | 5.2 °C (41.4 °F) | 25.0 °C (77.0 °F) | 12.5 °C (54.5 °F) | 15.3 °C (59.5 °F) | 6.4 °C (43.5 °F) |
Penticton | 1.8 °C (35.2 °F) | −3.0 °C (26.6 °F) | 15.7 °C (60.3 °F) | 2.5 °C (36.5 °F) | 28.7 °C (83.7 °F) | 13.3 °C (55.9 °F) | 14.3 °C (57.7 °F) | 3.2 °C (37.8 °F) |
Kamloops | 0.4 °C (32.7 °F) | −5.9 °C (21.4 °F) | 16.6 °C (61.9 °F) | 3.2 °C (37.8 °F) | 28.9 °C (84.0 °F) | 14.2 °C (57.6 °F) | 13.7 °C (56.7 °F) | 3.3 °C (37.9 °F) |
Osoyoos | 2.0 °C (35.6 °F) | −3.8 °C (25.2 °F) | 18.1 °C (64.6 °F) | 3.6 °C (38.5 °F) | 31.5 °C (88.7 °F) | 14.3 °C (57.7 °F) | 16.4 °C (61.5 °F) | 3.5 °C (38.3 °F) |
Princeton | −1.4 °C (29.5 °F) | −8.6 °C (16.5 °F) | 14.4 °C (57.9 °F) | −0.3 °C (31.5 °F) | 26.3 °C (79.3 °F) | 9.5 °C (49.1 °F) | 13.2 °C (55.8 °F) | 0.3 °C (32.5 °F) |
Cranbrook | −1.9 °C (28.6 °F) | −10.2 °C (13.6 °F) | 12.9 °C (55.2 °F) | 0.3 °C (32.5 °F) | 26.2 °C (79.2 °F) | 11.2 °C (52.2 °F) | 11.7 °C (53.1 °F) | −0.3 °C (31.5 °F) |
Prince George | −4.0 °C (24.8 °F) | −11.7 °C (10.9 °F) | 11.2 °C (52.2 °F) | −1.1 °C (30.0 °F) | 22.4 °C (72.3 °F) | 9.1 °C (48.4 °F) | 9.4 °C (48.9 °F) | −0.5 °C (31.1 °F) |
Fort Nelson | −16.1 °C (3.0 °F) | −24.6 °C (−12.3 °F) | 9.6 °C (49.3 °F) | −3.6 °C (25.5 °F) | 23.2 °C (73.8 °F) | 10.9 °C (51.6 °F) | 5.2 °C (41.4 °F) | −4.2 °C (24.4 °F) |
Parks and protected areas
[سنواريو]- اصل مضمون/مضمونن جي لاءِ ڏسو List of protected areas of British Columbia ۽ List of British Columbia Provincial Parks

There are 14 designations of parks and protected areas in the province that reflect the different administration and creation of these areas in a modern context. There are 141 ecological reserves, 35 provincial marine parks, 7 provincial heritage sites, 6 National Historic Sites of Canada, 4 national parks and 3 national park reserves. 12.5 percent of the province's area (114٬000 km2 يا 44٬000 sq mi) is considered protected under one of the 14 different designations that includes over 800 distinct areas.
British Columbia contains seven of Canada's national parks and National Park Reserves:
- Glacier National Park
- Gulf Islands National Park Reserve
- Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site
- Kootenay National Park
- Mount Revelstoke National Park
- Pacific Rim National Park Reserve
- Yoho National Park
British Columbia contains a large number of provincial parks, run by BC Parks under the aegis of the Ministry of Environment. British Columbia's provincial parks system is the second largest parks system in Canada, the largest being Canada's National Parks system.
Another tier of parks in British Columbia are regional parks, which are maintained and run by the province's regional districts. The Ministry of Forests operates forest recreation sites.
In addition to these areas, over 47٬000 ڪلوميٽرزچورس (18٬000 sq mi) of arable land are protected by the Agricultural Land Reserve.
[سنواريو]Much of the province is undeveloped, so populations of many mammalian species that have become rare in much of the United States still flourish in British Columbia.[35] Watching animals of various sorts, including a very wide range of birds, has long been popular. Bears (grizzly, black—including the Kermode bear or spirit bear) live here, as do deer, elk, moose, caribou, big-horn sheep, mountain goats, marmots, beavers, muskrats, coyotes, wolves, mustelids (such as wolverines, badgers and fishers), cougars, eagles, ospreys, herons, Canada geese, swans, loons, hawks, owls, ravens, harlequin ducks, and many other sorts of ducks. Smaller birds (robins, jays, grosbeaks, chickadees, and so on) also abound.[36] Murrelets are known from Frederick Island, a small island off the coast of Haida Gwaii.[37]
Many healthy populations of fish are present, including salmonids such as several species of salmon, trout, steelhead, and char. Besides salmon and trout, sport-fishers in BC also catch halibut, bass, and sturgeon. On the coast, harbour seals and river otters are common.[38] Cetacean species native to the coast include the orca, humpback whale, grey whale, harbour porpoise, Dall's porpoise, Pacific white-sided dolphin and minke whale.

Some endangered species in British Columbia are: Vancouver Island marmot, spotted owl, American white pelican, and badgers.
Type of organism | Red-listed species in BC | Total number of species in BC |
Freshwater fish | 24 | 80 |
Amphibians | 5 | 19 |
Reptiles | 6 | 16 |
Birds | 34 | 465 |
Terrestrial mammals | (Requires new data) | (Requires new data) |
Marine mammals | 3 | 29 |
Plants | 257 | 2333 |
Butterflies | 19 | 187 |
Dragonflies | 9 | 87 |
[سنواريو]White spruce or Engelmann spruce and their hybrids occur in 12 of the 14 biogeoclimatic zones of British Columbia.[40] Common types of trees present in BC's forests include western redcedar, yellow-cedar, Rocky Mountain juniper, lodgepole pine, ponderosa or yellow pine, whitebark pine, limber pine, western white pine, western larch, tamarack, alpine larch, white spruce, Engelmann spruce, Sitka spruce, black spruce, grand fir, Amabilis fir, subalpine fir, western hemlock, mountain hemlock, Douglas-fir, western yew, Pacific dogwood, bigleaf maple, Douglas maple, vine maple, arbutus, black hawthorn, cascara, Garry oak, Pacific crab apple, choke cherry, pin cherry, bitter cherry, red alder, mountain alder, paper birch, water birch, black cottonwood, balsam poplar, trembling aspen.
Traditional plant foods
[سنواريو]- اصل مضمون جي لاءِ ڏسو Wild and medicinal plants of British Columbia
First Nations peoples of British Columbia used plants for food, and to produce material goods like fuel and building products. Plant foods included berries, and roots like camas.[41]
[سنواريو]Environment Canada subdivides British Columbia into six ecozones:
- Pacific Marine
- Pacific Maritime
- Boreal Cordillera
- Montane Cordillera
- Taiga Plains
- Boreal Plains Ecozones.
[سنواريو]حڪومت ۽ سياست
[سنواريو]فن ۽ ثقافت
[سنواريو]پڻ ڏسو
[سنواريو]خارجي لنڪس
[سنواريو]- ↑ سانچو:Cite cgndb
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ignored (مدد) - ↑ "BC Geographical Names". apps.gov.bc.ca. وقت July 27, 2020 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل April 16, 2020. Unknown parameter
ignored (مدد) - ↑ "Ministère de la Justice – Province de la Colombie-Britannique – Texte no 4". www.justice.gc.ca. Department of Justice, Government of Canada. وقت November 13, 2021 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل November 14, 2021. Unknown parameter
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- ↑ Mallandaine, Edward (1887). The British Columbia Directory, containing a General Directory of Business Men and Householders…. E. Mallandaine and R. T. Williams, Broad Street, Victoria, British Columbia. p. 215 in New Westminster District Directory.
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ignored (مدد) - ↑ "Plants, Animals & Ecosystems – Province of British Columbia". Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. وقت February 12, 2022 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل February 12, 2022. Unknown parameter
ignored (مدد) - ↑ "Wildlife of British Columbia: 13 Species To Look Out For This Summer". Summit Lodge Boutique Hotel Whistler. وقت February 12, 2022 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل February 12, 2022. Unknown parameter
ignored (مدد) - ↑ Attenborough, David. The Life of Birds. BBC. ISBN 0563-38792-0.
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ignored (مدد) - ↑ BC Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, Conservation Data Centre
- ↑ Coates, K. Dave; Haeussler, Sybille; Lindeburgh, Scott; Pojar, Rosamund; Stock, Arthur J. Ecology and Silviculture of Interior Spruce in British Columbia (PDF) (Report). Canada/British Columbia Partnership Agreement Forest Resource Development: FRDA II. ISSN 0835-0752. وقت February 21, 2018 تي اصل (PDF) کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل October 30, 2022. Unknown parameter
ignored (مدد) - ↑ Turner, Nancy. "Importance of biodiversity for First Peoples of British Columbia" (PDF). Biodiversity BC. وقت November 15, 2013 تي اصل (PDF) کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل September 21, 2014. Unknown parameter
ignored (مدد)
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