سنڌ جي آبهوا

کليل ڄاڻ چيڪلي، وڪيپيڊيا مان

سنڌ جي آبهوا (انگريزي ٻولي: Climate of Sindh) سنڌ صوبو ھڪ نيم گرم علائقو (سب ٽروپيڪل) واري آبھوا ۾ آهي؛ اهو اونهاري ۾ گرم آهي ۽ سياري ۾ سرد آهي. گرمي جو درجو مئي ۽ آگسٽ جي وچ ۾ اڪثر 46 °سيلسيس (115 °فارهائيٽ) کان مٿي مٿي وڌندو آهي. ۽ ڊسمبر ۽ جنوري جي دوران گهٽ ۾ گهٽ ساڌارڻ- سراسري گرمي جو درجو 2 °سيلسيس (36 °فارنهائيٽ) ٿيندو آهي. جون ۽ سيپٽمبر دوران سالياڻي ساڌارڻ برسات لڳ ڀڳ نو انچ پوندي آهي. ڏاکڻي-چوماسي واريون مون سون جون هوائون فيبروري جي وچ ڌاري لڳڻ شروع ٿينديون آهن ۽ اهي چوماسي جون هوائون سيپٽمبر جي پڇاڙيءَ تائين جاري رهنديون آهن، جڏهن ته آڪٽوبر کان جنوري تائين (سياري جي مُنڍ واري مهيني آڪٽوبر ۽ سياري جي پڇاڙي واري مهيني جنوري تائين) اها ٿڌي اتر جي هوا لڳندي آهي.

سنڌ ٻن مونسون جي وچ تي آھي، هڪ ڏکڻ اولهه مون سون هندي وڏي سمنڊ کان ۽ ٻي اتر اوڀر يا هماليا جبلن کان واپس موٽندڙ مون سون هوائون.

هيٺيون انگريزي ۾ لکيل مواد کي سنڌي ۾ ترجمو ڪري لکي هن مضمون ۾ مواد جو واڌارو ڪرڻ ۾ وڪيپيڊيا جي مدد ڪريو

The average rainfall in Sindh is 8–9 in (20–23 cm) per year. The region's scarcity of rainfall is compensated by the inundation of the Indus twice a year, caused by the spring and summer melting of Himalayan snow and by rainfall in the monsoon season. These natural patterns have recently changed somewhat with the construction of dams and barrages on the Indus River. Parts of southeastern Sindh receive rainfall of up to 36 in (91 cm) and some cities have received very heavy rainfall on occasion. In 2005, Hyderabad received 14.4 in (37 cm) in just 11 hours. Sindh is divided into three climatic regions: Siro (the upper region, centred on Jacobabad), Wicholo (the middle region, centred on Hyderabad), and Lar (the lower region, centred on Karachi). The thermal equator passes through upper Sindh, where the air is generally very dry. The highest temperature ever recorded in Sindh was 53.5 °C (128.3 °F), which was recorded in Mohenjo-daro on 26 May 2010. It was not only the hottest temperature ever recorded in Pakistan but also the hottest reliably measured temperature ever recorded in the continent of Asia and the fourth highest temperature ever recorded on earth. The previous record for Sindh and Pakistan, and for all of Asia, had been 52.8 °C (127.0 °F), reached on 12 June 1919. In the winters, frost is common. Central Sindh's temperatures are generally lower than those of upper Sindh but higher than those of lower Sindh. Dry hot days and cool nights are typical during the summer. Central Sindh's maximum temperature typically reaches 43–44 °C (109–111 °F). Lower Sindh has a damper and humid maritime climate affected by the southwestern winds in summer and northeastern winds in winter, with lower rainfall than Central Sindh. Lower Sindh's maximum temperature reaches about 35–38 °C (95–100 °F). In the Kirthar range at 1,800 m (5,900 ft) and higher at Gorakh Hill and other peaks in Dadu District, temperatures near freezing have been recorded and brief snowfall is received in the winters. In Gorakh temperatures in winter nights can sour down to -15. The highest temperatures each year in Pakistan, typically rising to above 48 °C (118 °F), are usually recorded in Shaheed Benazeerabad District (previously called Nawabshah District) and Sibbi from May to August. Sometimes the temperature falls to 0 °C (32 °F); on rare occasions (once every 25 years or so) it has fallen to below −7 °C (19 °F) in December or January.


ٻاهريان ڳنڍڻا[سنواريو]