واپرائيندڙ بحث:مجتبیٰ
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Hello مجتبیٰ and welcome to Wikipedia! While efforts to improve Wikipedia are always welcome, If you know the reading, writing and speaking of Sindhi language then you can edit articles, create new articles here on Sindhi Wikipedia, but in my opinion, unfortunately, You are non-Sindhi speaker and your contributions are not written in Sindhi language that is good enough to be useful. You appear to be more familiar with English language; did you know there is a English Wikipedia? You may prefer to contribute there instead. In any case, welcome to the project, and thank you for your efforts! If you need help, please feel free to notify me on my talk page. you can put these signature after writing a message on talk page. Put this below sign for your signature it will put your name automatically.
سلام مجتبیٰ،
To discuss the technical issues, policies, and operations of Wikipedia |
—اسد علي جوڳي Jogi don— 09:32 , مَئي 17 ،2016 (UTC)