بشار الاسد
بشار الاسد Bashar al-Assad | |
بشار الأسد | |
![]() بشار الأسد 2024ع ۾ | |
19هون شام جو صدر | |
عهدو سنڀاليو 17 جولائي، 2000ع – 8 ڊسمبر، 2024ع (روس ڀجي ويو) | |
وزير اعظم | سانچو:Clist |
نائب صدر | سانچو:Clist |
پيشرو |
General Secretary of the Central Command of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party | |
عهدو سنڀاليو 24 June 2000 – 8 December 2024 | |
ڊپٽي |
پيشرو | حافظ الاسد |
جانشين | Ibrahim al-Hadid (acting) |
ذاتي تفصيل | |
پيدائش | سيپٽمبر 1965 (عمر 59 سال) دمشق، شام |
سياسي جماعت | عرب سوشلسٽ بعث پارٽي |
ٻيون سياسي وابستگيون |
National Progressive Front |
جيون ساٿي | Asma Akhras (ش. 2000) |
ٻار ٻچا | 3, including Hafez |
ماءُ | انيسه مخلوف |
پيءُ | حافظ الاسد |
رهائش | |
تعليم | Damascus University (MD) |
دستخط | ![]() |
فوجي خدمتون | |
فرمانبرداري | ![]() |
سروس/شاخ | Syrian Armed Forces |
سال خدمتون | 1988–2024 |
عهدو | ![]() |
ڪمانڊر | Syrian Armed Forces |
لڙائيون/جنگيون | شام جو گهرو ويڙهه |
بشار الاسد (پيدائش 11 سيپٽمبر، 1965ع) هڪ شامي سياستدان ۽ فوجي آفيسر آهي جنهن شام تي سال 2000ع کان ڊڪٽيٽر جي حيثيت سان حڪومت ڪئي جيستائين ڊسمبر، 2024ع ۾ شام جي باغين طرفان سندس حڪومت جو تختو اونڌو ڪيو ويو. شام جي 19 هين صدر جي حيثيت ۾، اسد شام جي هٿياربند فوج جو ڪمانڊر-ان-چيف ۽ مرڪزي ڪمانڊ آف عرب سوشلسٽ بعث پارٽي جو سيڪريٽري جنرل هو. هو حافظ الاسد جو پٽ آهي، جنهن 1971ع کان 2000ع ۾ سندس وفات تائين شام تي حڪومت ڪئي.
1980ع جي ڏهاڪي ۾، اسد هڪ ڊاڪٽر بڻجي ويو ۽ 1990ع جي شروعات ۾ هو لنڊن ۾ هڪ اکين جي ماهر جي طور تي تربيت حاصل ڪري رهيو هو. سال 1994ع ۾، سندس وڏو ڀاءُ باسل الاسد ڪار حادثي ۾ فوت ٿيڻ کان پوءِ اسد کي شام واپس گهرايو ويو ته جيئن باسل جي ڪردار کي ظاهر ڪري وارث طور سنڀاليو وڃي. اسد فوجي اڪيڊمي ۾ داخل ٿيو ۽ سال 1998ع ۾ لبنان تي شام جي قبضي جو چارج سنڀاليو. 17 جولاءِ 2000ع تي، اسد پنهنجي پيءُ جي جاءِ تي صدر ٿيو، جيڪو 10 جون 2000ع تي وفات ڪري ويو هو. سال 2001-2002ع ۾ ڪريڪ ڊائون جو هڪ سلسلو "دمشق بهار"، هڪ دور، شفافيت ۽ جمهوريت لاءِ نشان لڳل، کي ختم ڪري ڇڏيو .
تعليمي ماهرن ۽ تجزيه نگارن اسد جي صدارت کي هڪ انتهائي شخصيت پرست آمريت قرار ڏنو، جنهن شام کي هڪ مطلق العنان پوليس رياست طور حڪومت ڪيو ۽ ڪيترن ئي انساني حقن جي ڀڃڪڙي ۽ سخت جبر جي نشاندهي ڪئي وئي. جڏهن ته اسد حڪومت پاڻ کي سيڪيولر قرار ڏنو، مختلف سياسي سائنسدانن ۽ مبصرن نوٽ ڪيو ته سندس حڪومت ملڪ ۾ فرقيوارانه تڪرارن جو استحصال ڪيو. جيتوڻيڪ اسد وراثت ۾ طاقت جي جوڙجڪ ۽ شخصيت جي ثقافت کي پنهنجي پيء پاران پاليو ويو، هن کي پنهنجي پيءُ طرفان مليل وفاداريءَ جي کوٽ هئي ۽ هن جي حڪمراني جي خلاف وڌندڙ ناراضگي کي منهن ڏيڻو پيو. نتيجي طور، سندس پيءُ جي حڪومت مان ڪيترن ئي ماڻهن استعيفيٰ ڏنيا يا انهن کي صاف ڪيو ويو ۽ سياسي اندروني حلقو علوي قبيلن مان سخت وفادارن جي بدلي ڪيو ويو.
اسد جي شروعاتي معاشي لبرلائيزيشن پروگرام سماجي مساوات کي خراب ڪيو ۽ شام جي ڳوٺاڻن آبادي، شهري پورهيت طبقن، واپارين، صنعتڪارن ۽ ڪنهن زماني جي روايتي بعث جي مضبوط قلعن جا ماڻھن کي ڌار ڪري، اسد خاندان جي وفادار دمشق جي اشرافيه جي سماجي سياسي طاقت کي مرڪزي بڻايو. لبنان ۾ ديودار انقلاب فيبروري 2005 ۾. اهو لبناني وزير اعظم رفيق الحريري جي قتل جي ڪري شروع ٿيو، اسد کي لبنان تي شام جي قبضي کي ختم ڪرڻ تي مجبور ڪيو.
In the 1980s, Assad became a doctor, and in the early 1990s he was training in London as an ophthalmologist. In 1994, after his elder brother Bassel al-Assad died in a car crash, Assad was recalled to Syria to take over Bassel's role as heir apparent. Assad entered the military academy and took charge of the Syrian occupation of Lebanon in 1998. On 17 July 2000, Assad became president, succeeding his father, who had died on 10 June 2000.[1] A series of crackdowns in 2001–02 ended the Damascus Spring, a period marked by calls for transparency and democracy.
Academics and analysts characterized Assad's presidency as a highly personalist dictatorship,[2] which governed Syria as a totalitarian police state,[3] and was marked by numerous human rights violations and severe repression. While the Assad government described itself as secular, various political scientists and observers noted that his regime exploited sectarian tensions in the country. Although Assad inherited the power structures and personality cult nurtured by his father, he lacked the loyalty received by his father and faced rising discontent against his rule. As a result, many people from his father's regime resigned or were purged, and the political inner-circle was replaced by staunch loyalists from Alawite clans. Assad's early economic liberalisation programs worsened inequalities and centralized the socio-political power of the loyalist Damascene elite of the Assad family, alienating the Syrian rural population, urban working classes, businessmen, industrialists and people from once-traditional Ba'ath strongholds. The Cedar Revolution in Lebanon in February 2005, triggered by the assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri, forced Assad to end the Syrian occupation of Lebanon.
Assad's deadly crackdown on Arab Spring protesters during the events of the Syrian revolution led to outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011, which culminated in the fall of the Assad regime in 2024. The civil war has killed over 580,000 people, of which a minimum of 306,000 deaths are non-combatant; according to the Syrian Network for Human Rights, pro-Assad forces caused more than 90% of those civilian deaths.[4] The United States, European Union, and the majority of the Arab League called for Assad to resign in 2011, but he refused and the war continued. The Assad government perpetrated numerous war crimes during the course of the Syrian civil war,[5] while its army carried out several attacks with chemical weapons (most notably, a sarin gas strike in Ghouta on 21 August 2013).[6] The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights stated that findings from an inquiry by the UN implicated Assad in war crimes, and he faced international investigations and condemnation for his actions. In November 2024, a coalition of Syrian rebels mounted several offensives against the country with the intention of ousting Assad.[7][8] On the morning of 8 December, as rebel troops first entered Damascus, Assad fled to Moscow and was granted political asylum by the Russian government.[9][10] Later that day, Damascus fell to rebel forces, and Assad's regime collapsed.[11][12][13] بشار الاسد (پيدائش 11 سيپٽمبر، 1965ع) هڪ شامي سياستدان ۽ فوجي آفيسر آهي جنهن شام تي سال 2000ع کان ڊڪٽيٽر جي حيثيت سان حڪومت ڪئي جيستائين ڊسمبر، 2024ع ۾ شام جي باغين طرفان سندس حڪومت جو تختو اونڌو ڪيو ويو. شام جي 19 هين صدر جي حيثيت ۾، اسد شام جي هٿياربند فوج جو ڪمانڊر-ان-چيف ۽ مرڪزي ڪمانڊ آف عرب سوشلسٽ بعث پارٽي جو سيڪريٽري جنرل هو. هو حافظ الاسد جو پٽ آهي، جنهن 1971ع کان 2000ع ۾ سندس وفات تائين شام تي حڪومت ڪئي.
پڻ ڏسو
[سنواريو]- ↑ "ICG Middle East Report: Syria Under Bashar" (PDF). European Parliament. حاصل ڪيل 30 November 2024.
- ↑ Sources characterising the Assad family's rule of Syria as a personalist dictatorship:
- Svolik, Milan. "The Politics of Authoritarian Rule". Cambridge University Press. وقت 15 September 2018 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل 21 October 2019. Unknown parameter
ignored (مدد) - Weeks, Jessica (2014). Dictators at War and Peace. Cornell University Press. p. 18.
- Wedeen, Lisa (2018). Authoritarian Apprehensions. Chicago Studies in Practices of Meaning. University of Chicago Press. https://www.press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/A/bo41676402.html. Retrieved 21 October 2019.
- Hinnebusch, Raymond (2012). "Syria: from 'authoritarian upgrading' to revolution?" (en ۾). International Affairs 88 (1): 95–113. doi: .
- Michalik, Susanne (2015). "Measuring Authoritarian Regimes with Multiparty Elections". in Michalik, Susanne (en ۾). Multiparty Elections in Authoritarian Regimes: Explaining their Introduction and Effects. Studien zur Neuen Politischen Ökonomie. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 33–45. doi: . ISBN 978-3658095116.
- Geddes, Barbara; Wright, Joseph; Frantz, Erica (2018). How Dictatorships Work. Cambridge University Press. p. 233. doi: . ISBN 978-1-316-33618-2.
- Svolik, Milan. "The Politics of Authoritarian Rule". Cambridge University Press. وقت 15 September 2018 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل 21 October 2019. Unknown parameter
- ↑ Multiple sources:
- Khamis, Sahar; Gold, Paul B.; Vaughn, Katherine (2013). "22. Propaganda in Egypt and Syria's "Cyberwars": Contexts, Actors, Tools, and Tactics". The Oxford Handbook of Propaganda Studies. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 422. ISBN 978-0-19-976441-9.
- Wieland, Carsten (2018). "6: De-neutralizing Aid: All Roads Lead to Damascus". Syria and the Neutrality Trap: The Dilemmas of Delivering Humanitarian Aid Through Violent Regimes. London: I. B. Tauris. p. 68. ISBN 978-0-7556-4138-3.
- Ahmed, Saladdin (2019). Totalitarian Space and the Destruction of Aura. State University of New York Press, Albany: Suny Press. pp. 144, 149. ISBN 9781438472911.
- Hensman, Rohini (2018). "7: The Syrian Uprising". Indefensible: Democracy, Counterrevolution, and the Rhetoric of Anti-Imperialism. Chicago: Haymarket Books. ISBN 978-1-60846-912-3.
- ↑ "Civilian Death Toll". SNHR. وقت 5 March 2022 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل.
- ↑ Multiple sources:
- Robertson QC, Geoffrey (2013). "11: Justice in Demand". Crimes Against Humanity: The Struggle for Global Justice (4th ed.). New York: The New Press. pp. 560–562, 573, 595–607. ISBN 978-1-59558-860-9.
- Syria Freedom Support Act; Holocaust Insurance Accountability Act of 2011. Washington DC: Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives. 2012. pp. 221–229. https://books.google.com/books?id=SdxEAQAAMAAJ&dq=Assad+crimes+against+humanity&pg=PA229.
- Vohra, Anchal (16 October 2020). "Assad's Horrible War Crimes Are Finally Coming to Light Under Oath". Foreign Policy. https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/10/16/assads-horrible-war-crimes-are-finally-coming-to-light/.
- "German court finds Assad regime official guilty of crimes against humanity". Daily Sabah. 13 January 2022. https://www.dailysabah.com/world/syrian-crisis/german-court-finds-assad-regime-official-guilty-of-crimes-against-humanity.
- Nosakhare, Whitney Martina. "Some Hope in the Struggle for Justice in Syria: European Courts Offer Survivors a Path Toward Accountability". Human Rights Watch. وقت 5 April 2022 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل.
- ↑ *"Security Council Deems Syria's Chemical Weapon's Declaration Incomplete". United Nations: Meetings Coverage and Press Releases. 6 March 2023. https://press.un.org/en/2023/sc15220.doc.htm.
- "Fifth Review Conference of the Chemical Weapons Convention". European Union External Action. وقت 15 May 2023 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل.
- ↑ Abdulrahim, Raja. "The leader of Syria's rebels told The Times that their aim is to oust al-Assad.". The New York Times. حاصل ڪيل 7 December 2024.
- ↑ "Syrian army command tells officers that Assad's rule has ended, officer says". Reuters.
- ↑ Gebeily, Maya; Azhari, Timour. "Syria's Assad and his family are in Moscow after Russia granted them asylum, say Russian news agencies". Reuters. حاصل ڪيل 8 December 2024.
- ↑ "Bashar al-Assad and family given asylum in Moscow, Russian media say". BBC News.
- ↑ "Syrian rebels topple President Assad, prime minister calls for free elections". Reuters. 7 December 2024. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/syria-rebels-celebrate-captured-homs-set-sights-damascus-2024-12-07/.
- ↑ "Assad flees to Moscow after rebels take Syrian capital, Russian state media report". CBC News. 9 December 2024. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/syria-damascus-falls-to-rebels-1.7404700.
- ↑ "Syria's President Bashar al Assad is in Moscow and has been granted asylum, confirms Russian state media". 8 December 2024. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/syrias-president-bashar-al-assad-175000548.html.