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سانچو:پاڪستان جا ميزائيل/دستاويز

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سانچن جا تفصيل


ھن سانچي ۾ پاڪستان جي فوج جي سمورن ميزائيلن جون فهرستون ڏنل آهن. انھن ۾ پاڪستان جي اندر تيار ٿيندڙ ميزائيل ، لائسنس تحت تيار ٿيندڙ ميزائيل ۽ ٻاھرين ملڪن کان حاصل ڪيل جملي ميزائيل شامل آهن


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  • {{پاڪستان جا ميزائيل|state=collapsed}} استعمال: هن سانچي کي منھدم (مخفي) حالت ۾ ڏيکارڻ جي لاء۔
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ھن حصي ۾ مٿين سانچي ۾ ڏنل فھرستن ۾ ڏنل ميزائيلن جا حوالا ڏنا ويا آهن. ميزائيلن جا نالا الف بي جي ترتيب سان ڏنل آهن

میزائيل جو نالو ميزائيل جو نالو

حوالن جي فھرست

  1. Jane's Information Group. "Hatf 2 (Abdali) (Pakistan), Offensive weapons". Jane's Strategic Weapon Systems. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-05. 
  2. Jane's Information Group. "IICS Anza Mk II low-altitude surface-to-air missile system (Pakistan)". Jane's Electro-Optic Systems. حاصل ڪيل 2009-05-19. 
  3. SinoDefence. "QW-2 Man-Portable Surface-to-Air Missile". SinoDefence.com. حاصل ڪيل 2009-05-19. 
  4. 4.0 4.1 Deagel.com. "Pakistan Signs Letter of Acceptance for AIM-120 and AIM-9M Missiles". Deagel.com. حاصل ڪيل 2009-05-23. 
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 SIPRI Arms Transfers Database. "Transfers and licensed production of major conventional weapons". حاصل ڪيل 2013-09-27. 
  6. 6.0 6.1 Norman Friedman. "The Naval Institute Guide to World Naval Weapons Systems, 1997-1998". United States Naval Institute Press. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-03. 
  7. SinoDefence. "HongJian 8 Anti-Tank Guided Missile". SinoDefence.com. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-03. 
  8. Jane's Information Group. "Hatf 7 (Babur) (Pakistan), Offensive weapons". Jane's Strategic Weapon Systems. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-05. 
  9. 9.0 9.1 wendell minnick. "Pakistan Gets New Chinese Frigate". DefenseNews - Army Times Publishing Company. حاصل ڪيل 2009-05-23. 
  10. SIPRI Arms Transfers Database. "Transfers and licensed production of major conventional weapons (Pakistan): 1994-2004" (PDF). حاصل ڪيل 2009-05-18. 
  11. MissileThreat.com. "Cruise Missiles - YJ-83". MissileThreat.com a project of The Claremont Institute} Institute. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-05.  line feed character in |publisher= at position 56 (مدد)
  12. Staff Reporter. "Pakistan navy deploys Chinese C-602 cruise missile". WantChinaTimes.com. حاصل ڪيل 2015-05-19. 
  13. Global Security. "YJ-62 / C-602". GlobalSecurity.org. حاصل ڪيل 2015-05-19. 
  14. Mak Hon Keong. "Ship's characteristics". Wikipedia. حاصل ڪيل 2009-09-02. 
  15. GlobalSecurity.org. "Air Force Systems Inventory". GlobalSecurity.org. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-02. 
  16. NAO LOCALIZADO. "International Electronic Countermeasures Handbook". Journal of Electronic Defense Staff, Horizon House. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-05. 
  17. Lt Gen (Retd) SARDAR FS LODI. "PAKISTAN'S MISSILE TECHNOLOGY". www.defencejournal.com. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-06. 
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 Richard Fisher, Jr. "Pakistan’s Long Range Ballistic Missiles: A View From IDEAS". International Assessment and Strategy Center (IASC). حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-03. 
  19. MissileThreat.com. "Missiles of the World - Ghauri-3". MissileThreat.com a project of The Claremont Institute. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-06. 
  20. Jane's Information Group. "Hatf 3 (Ghaznavi) (Pakistan), Offensive weapons". Jane's Strategic Weapon Systems. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-05. 
  21. 21.0 21.1 Arshad Sharif. "PAF adds new bombs to its arsenal". DAWN Media Group. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-03. 
  22. 22.0 22.1 Richard Fisher, Jr. "Report On the International Defense Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS) September 14-17, 2004, Karachi, Pakistan". International Assessment and Strategy Center (IASC). حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-26.  حوالي جي چڪ: Invalid <ref> tag; name "IA2" defined multiple times with different content
  23. Jane's Information Group. "Hatf 1 (Pakistan), Offensive weapons". Jane's Strategic Weapon Systems. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-05. 
  24. GlobalSecurity.org. "Air Force Systems Inventory". GlobalSecurity.org. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-02. 
  25. Jane's Information Group. "DF-11 (CSS-7/M-11) (China), Offensive weapons". Jane's Strategic Weapon Systems. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-11. 
  26. Editorial. "Brazil to Sell MAR-1 SEAD Missiles to Pakistan". Defense Industry Daily. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-03. 
  27. Jane's Information Group. "MAR-1 anti-radiation missile (Brazil), Air-to-surface missiles - Direct attack". Jane's Air-Launched Weapons. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-03. 
  28. Shakil Shaikh. "Pakistan test-fires Hatf-IX". The News International - Copyright @ 2010-2012. حاصل ڪيل 2011-04-20. 
  29. Jane's Information Group. "Ra'ad (Hatf-8) (Pakistan), Air-to-surface missiles - Stand-off and cruise". Jane's Air-Launched Weapons. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-11. 
  30. Army Recognition. "Pakistan Army Land-based Missiles Systems". Army Recognition - Internet Military Magzine. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-02. 
  31. Jane's Information Group. "New BVR missile (Pakistan) (Pakistan), Air-to-air missiles - Beyond visual range". Jane's Air-Launched Weapons. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-03. 
  32. 32.0 32.1 Hanif Khalid. "How 'Shaheen' Was Developed". GlobalSecurity.org. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-11. 
  33. Editor - Defencetalk.com. "MBDA Spada 2000 Air Defence System for Pakistan Air Force". Defence Talk - Global Defense & Military Portal. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-02. 
  34. Tom kington. "MBDA Confirms Air Defense System Sale to Pakistan". DefenseNews - Army Times Publishing Company. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-02. 
  35. GlobalSecurity.org. "Army Systems Inventory". GlobalSecurity.org. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-02. 
  36. Defense Update. "TOW-ER TOW Missile Improvements (Raytheon)". Defense Update - International, Online Defense Magazine. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-02. 
  37. Jane's Information Group. "BOFORS' - THE SWEDISH SOLUTION, FEATURES". Jane's Defence Weekly. حاصل ڪيل 2009-06-03. 
  38. Editorial. "Anti-ship missile tested". The Dawn News Group. حاصل ڪيل 2016-04-11.