ماڊيول:Location map/data/Alberta municipal districts/doc

کليل ڄاڻ چيڪلي، وڪيپيڊيا مان

This is the documentation page for ماڊيول:Location map/data/Alberta municipal districts

Location map of Alberta
نالو Alberta
اُڀي ليڪ (47.8062 + 6.31607*($2+115) + 0.033133*($1-55) -0.163349*($1-55)*($2+115) + 0.0101163*($2+115)*($2+115) -0.00888419*($1-55)*($1-55))
ٻه شاخي محور (45.9081 -0.0512779*($2+115) -8.84793*($1-55) + 0.0102564*($1-55)*($2+115) -0.0167721*($2+115)*($2+115) + 0.0226062*($1-55)*($1-55))
تصوير Alberta municipal districts.png

ماڊيول:Location map/data/Alberta municipal districts is a location map definition used to overlay markers and labels on an equirectangular projection map of Alberta. The markers are placed by latitude and longitude coordinates on the default map or a similar map image.


These definitions are used by the following templates when invoked with parameter "Alberta municipal districts":

Map definition

  • name = Alberta
    Name used in the default map caption
  • x = (47.8062 + 6.31607*($2+115) + 0.033133*($1-55) -0.163349*($1-55)*($2+115) + 0.0101163*($2+115)*($2+115) -0.00888419*($1-55)*($1-55))
    An expression to calculate a location on the map via its longitude; evaluates as 0 along the left edge and 100 along the right edge
  • y = (45.9081 -0.0512779*($2+115) -8.84793*($1-55) + 0.0102564*($1-55)*($2+115) -0.0167721*($2+115)*($2+115) + 0.0226062*($1-55)*($1-55))
    An expression to calculate a location on the map via its latitude; evaluates as 0 along the top edge and 100 along the bottom edge

Examples using location map templates

Location map/data/Alberta municipal districts/doc is located in Alberta
Location map/data/Alberta municipal districts/doc
Location map/data/Alberta municipal districts/doc
Location map/data/Alberta municipal districts/doc
Location map/data/Alberta municipal districts/doc
Location map/data/Alberta municipal districts/doc
Location map/data/Alberta municipal districts/doc
Test of pins in the corners and corner of Wood Buffalo National Park

See also

Location map templates
Creating new map definitions
Infobox templates incorporating (passing values to) the Location map template

سانچو:Location map/doc/See also infobox templates