مواد ڏانھن هلو


کليل ڄاڻ چيڪلي، وڪيپيڊيا مان

Documentation icon دستاويز سانچو[نمائش] [سنواريو] [تاريخچو] [تطهير]

This template inserts a colored bullet, with an optional wikilink. The bullet’s shape and size can also be changed.


  • Colors are most commonly specified as either a color keyword or as the hexadecimal triplet representing an RGB combination. See web colors for details. The default is black.
  • Shape is optional; valid arguments are:
c / circle / r / round
d / diamond
tu / up / uptriangle
td / dn / downtriangle
tl / lt / lefttriangle
tr / rt / righttriangle
  • The wikilink parameter is also optional and specifies the article to which the text should point.
  • The named parameter size is a number specifying the bullet size as a percentage of the default style text size. Default is 100.


|| {{colorbull}}
|| {{colorbull|#039}}
|| {{colorbull|size=50}}
|| {{colorbull|red|round}}
|| {{colorbull|green|d}}
|| {{colorbull||tu|triangle}}

See also
