مواد ڏانھن هلو

سانچو:ڪثير مآخذ جي ڳولها/ڄاڻ جو ڳنڍڻو

کليل ڄاڻ چيڪلي، وڪيپيڊيا مان
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This template stores data about the various search link subtemplates of {{ڪثير مآخذ جي ڳولها}}.


The template takes two positional parameters.

  • The first positional parameter specifies the subtemplate for which data is requested. It may take the value of the subpage name of the link template (e.g. gnews), a value of linkn (link1, link2, etc.), or its alias ln (l1, l2, etc.).
  • The second positional parameter specifies what type of data is requested. It can take the following values:
    • code - The main link code. This is the same as the subpage name of the link template.
    • alias1 - An alias for the main link code. The subpage of سانچو:ڪثير مآخذ جي ڳولها with this value is a redirect to the link template.
    • alias2 - Another alias for the main link code.
    • alias3 - A third alias for the main link code.
    • alias4 - A fourth alias for the main link code.
    • t_description - A short description of the template.
    • se_description - A short description of the search engine that the template uses.
    • shortcut1 - A template shortcut for the link template.
    • shortcut2 - A second template shortcut for the link template.
    • shortcut3 - A third template shortcut for the link template.
    • notes - Notes about of the link template.

The template will only output data if the following three conditions are all true:

  1. The first positional parameter has a valid value.
  2. The second positional parameter has a valid value.
  3. The data field specified by the first and second positional parameters is not empty.

Otherwise, the template will return a null value.


مثال 1
{{ڪثير مآخذ جي ڳولها/ڄاڻ جو ڳنڍڻو|link1}}
مثال 2
{{ڪثير مآخذ جي ڳولها/ڄاڻ جو ڳنڍڻو|link1|code}}
مثال 3
{{ڪثير مآخذ جي ڳولها/ڄاڻ جو ڳنڍڻو|ddg|code}}
مثال 4
{{ڪثير مآخذ جي ڳولها/ڄاڻ جو ڳنڍڻو|link1|t_description}}
هي سانچو مضمونن ۾ حوالا ڳولهڻ ۾ مدد جي لاءِ گوگل جو هڪ ڳولها ڳنڍڻو ڏئي ٿو.
مثال 5
{{ڪثير مآخذ جي ڳولها/ڄاڻ جو ڳنڍڻو|ddg|se_description}}
مثال 6
{{ڪثير مآخذ جي ڳولها/ڄاڻ جو ڳنڍڻو|link1|nonexistentvalue}}
مثال 7
{{ڪثير مآخذ جي ڳولها/ڄاڻ جو ڳنڍڻو|nonexistentvalue|code}}

Adding new entries

Adding new entries should be fairly self-explanatory - just keep the format the same as previous entries. However, if you are adding link number 21, please contact User:Mr. Stradivarius (or if he's not around, someone who knows advanced template coding) as some changes will need to be made to the template's back-end before your new data can be used.