مواد ڏانھن هلو

سانچو:Infobox medical condition

Permanently protected template
کليل ڄاڻ چيڪلي، وڪيپيڊيا مان
(سانچو:Infobox disease کان چوريل)
{{{name}}} or {{PAGENAME}}
Documentation icon دستاويز سانچو[نمائش] [سنواريو] [تاريخچو] [تطهير]

local p = {}

function p.usesProperty(frame) local parent = frame.getParent(frame) local result = local ii = 1 while true do local p_num = parent.args[ii] or if p_num ~= then local label = mw.wikibase.label(p_num) or "NO LABEL"

result = result .. "
  • " .. label .. " (" .. string.upper(p_num) .. ") (see uses)
  • " ii = ii + 1 else break end end return result end return p

    Use this template freely for any medical condition. Its use is not limited strictly to diseases. It can be paired with {{Medical resources}}.