کليل ڄاڻ چيڪلي، وڪيپيڊيا مان
اصلوڪو فائيل (ايسويجي فائيل، اٽڪل 240 × 64 عڪسلون، فائيل سائيز: 30 KB)
ھي فائيل وڪيميڊيا العام مان آھي ۽ ٻين رٿائن پاران پڻ استعمال ٿي سگهي ٿو. تشريح انجي [فائيل جي تشريحي صفحي ] ھيٺان ڏنل آھي.
Graphic diagram showing the 2008 New Zealand Threat Classification System categories, used by the New Zealand Department of Conservation . These categories replace the 2002 NZTCS.
At Risk categories
2002 Categories
2008 Categories
2022 Categories
Range Restricted (RR) : small population only found in a particular habitat or area.
Now a qualifier, not a NZTCS category
Now a qualifier, not a NZTCS category
Sparse (SP) ; rare and localised.
Now a qualifier, not a NZTCS category
Now a qualifier, not a NZTCS category
Gradual Decline (GD) : a moderate to large population with a small to moderate rate of decline.
No longer a NZTCS category
No longer a NZTCS category
Serious Decline (SD) : a moderate to large population with moderate to large predicted decline.
No longer a NZTCS category
No longer a NZTCS category
Naturally Uncommon (NU) : naturally occurring as small or widely-scattered populations.
Relict (REL) : occupying less than 10% of their former range, but stable or increasing.
Recovering (R) : previously declining, but now showing an ongoing or predicted increase.
No longer a NZTCS category; moved to Nationally Increasing
Declining (D) : buffered by a large population or a slow decline rate, but may become Threatened in the future.
Threatened categories
2002 Categories
2008 Categories
2022 Categories
Nationally Increasing (NI) : previously declining, but now showing an ongoing or predicted increase.
Nationally Vulnerable (VU) : a small or localised population facing gradual decline.
Nationally Endangered (NE) : a small to moderate population declining at a moderate to high rate.
Nationally Critical (NC) : a very small (less than 250 individuals) or very localised population, or one rapidly declining, or both.
Other categories
2002 Categories
2008 Categories
2022 Categories
Not Threatened (NT) : an assessed native NZ species that does not qualify as At Risk or Threatened.
Data Deficient (DD) : insufficient information is available to make as assessment on conservation status.
Extinct (EX) : there is no reasonable doubt that no individuals exist. For these lists only species that have become extinct since 1840 are listed.
Graphics created by: Mike Dickison . (User:Giantflightlessbirds )
I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
هي ڪم ڪريئيٽو ڪامنز سيسي0 1.0 عالمي عوامي کاتي ھيٺ موجود آھي.
جيڪو ماڻھو هن ڪم سان لاڳاپيل آهي، ان پنھنجي ڪم کي وقف ڪيو آهي عوامي کاتي ۾ عالمي حق ۽ واسطن جي قانون ۽ لاڳاپيل قانونن موجب. اوهان هن ڪم کي نقل، سنوار، ونڊ ڪري سگهو ٿا، ايتري قدر جو اوهان بغير اجازت جي تجارتي مقصدن لاءِ هي ڪم استعمال ڪري سگهو ٿا.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.en CC0 Creative Commons Zero, Public Domain Dedication false false
See also
سنڌي ھڪ-سٽي وضاحت ڏيو تہ ھي فائيل ڇاکي ٿو ظاھر ڪري
فائيل جي سوانح
هن فائيل سان هيٺيان صفحا ڳنڍيل آهن.
فائيل جو ٻين وڪيز تي استعمال
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ھن فائيل جو وڌيڪ گلوبل استعمال ڏسو.
هن فائيل ۾ وڌيڪ ڄاڻ موجود آهي، جيڪا ڪنھن ڊجيٽل ڪيمرا يا اسڪينر کان وڌي وئي آهي، جنھن سان هي عڪس سرجيو يا چٽيو ويو آهي.
جيڪڏهن فائيل بدلايو ويو آھي تہ پوءِ ڪجهہ ڄاڻ تفصيل سڄي تبديل ٿيل فائيل کي متان ظاھر نہ ڪري.