ھي فائيل وڪيميڊيا العام مان آھي ۽ ٻين رٿائن پاران پڻ استعمال ٿي سگهي ٿو. تشريح انجي [فائيل جي تشريحي صفحي] ھيٺان ڏنل آھي.
تشريحJatha of Sikhs volunteers of Punjabi Suba movement.jpg
English: The Punjabi Suba movement was a political agitation, launched by Punjabi speaking people (primarily Sikhs) demanding the creation of autonomous Punjabi Suba, or Punjabi-speaking state, in the post-independence Indian state of East Punjab. As a result of it present Punjabi speaking came into formation in east Punjab (India).