ٽمبڪٽو Timbuktu Tumbutu (تماشيڪ بولي) Tin Bukt (تواريگ ٻولي) همبا (Himba) | |
شهر | |
Names نقل نگاري | |
• تماشيڪ ٻولي | ⵜⵏⵀⵗⵜ (تِينْ بُكْتْ) |
• ڪوئرا چائني ٻولي | تُمْبُتُ (عربي) |
کاٻي کان ساڄي: جنگويربر مسجد، سانڪوري مدرسو، ٽمبڪٽو جو فضائي منظر، ٽمبڪٽو جو هڪ بازار، ٽمبڪٽو ايئرپورٽ تي "فينيڪ" | |
Map showing main trans-Saharan caravan routes ت. 1400. Also shown are the Ghana Empire (until the 13th century) and 13th – 15th century Mali Empire, with the western route running from Djenné via Timbuktu to Sijilmassa. Present day Niger in yellow. | |
جاگرافي بيهڪ: 16°46′33″N 3°00′34″W / 16.77583°N 3.00944°W | |
ملڪ | ![]() |
ريجن | ٽمبوڪٽو ريجن |
سيرڪل | ٽمبڪٽو سيرڪل |
قائم ٿيو | پنجين صدي ق.م. |
پکيڙ[1] | |
• زميني | 21 ڪ.م2 (8 ميل2) |
بلندي | 261 ميل (856 ft) |
آبادي (2009ع)[2][1] | |
• ڪل | 54,453 |
يونيسڪو عالمي ثقافتي ورثو | |
يونيسڪو عالمي ثقافتي ورثو | ثقافتي: ii, iv, v |
حوالو | 119 |
داخلا | 1988 (12th سيشن) |
خطري ۾ | 1990–2005؛ 2012–تاحال |
ٽمبڪٽو (Timbuktu) مالي ۾ هڪ قديم شهر آهي، جيڪو نائجر نديءَ جي اتر ۾ 20 ڪلوميٽر (12 ميل) تي واقع آهي. اها مالي جي اٺن انتظامي علائقن مان هڪ، ٽمبڪٽو علائقي جي راڄڌاني آهي. سال 2018ع جي مردم شماري ۾ آبادي 32,460 هئي.
آثار قديمه جا ثبوت خطي ۾ ماقبل تاريخ آبادي جي نشاندهي ڪن ٿا، جيڪي وچين دور ۾ شهر جي اسلامي علمي ۽ واپاري اهميت جي اڳڪٿي ڪن ٿا. ٽمبڪٽو هڪ موسمي آبادي جي طور تي شروع ٿيو ۽ 12هين صدي جي شروعات ۾ مستقل ٿي ويو. واپاري رستن ۾ تبديليءَ کان پوءِ، خاص طور تي 1325ع جي آس پاس مانسا موسيٰ جي دور کان پوءِ، ٽمبڪٽو، ان جي اسٽريٽجڪ محل وقوع، لوڻ، سون ۽ هاٿي ڏند جي واپار جي ڪري ترقي ڪئي. 14هين صدي جي شروعات ۾ مالي سلطنت جو حصو بڻجڻ کان اڳ اهو صحارا واپاري رستي تي هڪ اهم اسلامي شهر جي طور تي آهستي آهستي وڌايو ويو ۽ ڪيترن ئي عالمن ۽ واپارين کي راغب ڪيو. 15هين صدي عيسويء جي پهرين اڌ ۾، تواريگ ماڻهن ٿوري عرصي لاء قبضو ڪيو، ايتري قدر تي سونگھائي سلطنت ان کي سال 1468ع ۾ پاڻ ۾ جذب ڪيو.
سال 1591ع ۾ مراڪش جي فوج سونگھائي کي شڪست ڏني ۽ ٽمبڪٽو کي سندن گاديءَ جو هنڌ بڻايو. حملي آورن هڪ نئون حڪمران طبقو، ارما قائم ڪيو، جيڪو سال 1612ع کان پوءِ مراڪش کان بلڪل آزاد ٿي ويو. ان جي سونهري دور ۾، شهر جي اسلامي عالمن ۽ وسيع واپاري نيٽ ورڪ هڪ اهم ڪتابن جي واپار جي حمايت ڪئي. سنڪوري مدرسي جي ڪيمپس سان گڏ، هڪ اسلامي يونيورسٽي، ٽمبڪٽو کي آفريڪا ۾ هڪ علمي مرڪز طور قائم ڪيو. قابل ذڪر تاريخي اديبن، جهڙوڪ شابيني ۽ ليو افريڪانس، هن شهر بابت لکيو آهي. انهن ڪهاڻين يورپ ۾ قياس آرائي کي تيز ڪيو، جتي شهر جي شهرت امير جي طور تي پراسرار ٿي وئي. شهر جو سونهري دور مالي سلطنت جي هڪ وڏي سکيا ۽ ثقافتي مرڪز جي طور تي زوال جي ڊگهي عرصي کان پوءِ هو. مختلف قبيلن حڪومت ڪئي جيستائين فرانسيسي سال 1893ع ۾ مالي تي قبضو ڪيو، فرانس جو راڄ سال 1960ع ۾ مالي جي جمهوريه ٿيڻ تائين برقرار رهيو.
تازن تاريخ ۾، ٽمبڪٽو کي انتهاپسند گروهن جي خطرن کي منهن ڏيڻو پيو، جنهن سبب ثقافتي ماڳن جي تباهي ٿي. مقامي ۽ بين الاقوامي برادرين جي ڪوششن جو مقصد ان جي ورثي کي بچائڻ آهي. هاڻوڪي مسئلن جي نتيجي ۾ شهر جي آبادي گهٽجي وئي آهي.

Over the centuries, the spelling of Timbuktu has varied a great deal: from Tenbuch on the Catalan Atlas (1375), to traveller Antonio Malfante's Thambet, used in a letter he wrote in 1447 and also adopted by Alvise Cadamosto in his Voyages of Cadamosto, to Heinrich Barth's Timbúktu and Timbu'ktu. French spelling often appears in international reference as 'Tombouctou'. The German spelling 'Timbuktu' and its variant 'Timbucktu' have passed into English and the former has become widely used in recent years. Major English-language works have employed the spelling 'Timbuctoo', and this is considered the correct English form by scholars; 'Timbuctou' and 'Timbuctu' are sometimes used as well.
The French continue to use the spelling 'Tombouctou', as they have for over a century; variants include 'Temboctou' (used by explorer René Caillié) and 'Tombouktou', but they are seldom seen. Variant spellings exist for other places as well, such as Jenne (Djenné) and Segu (Ségou).[3] As well as its spelling, Timbuktu's toponymy is still open to discussion.[lower-alpha 1] At least four possible origins of the name of Timbuktu have been described:
- Songhay origin: both Leo Africanus and Heinrich Barth believed the name was derived from two Songhay words:[4] Leo Africanus writes the Kingdom of Tombuto was named after a town of the same name, founded in 1213 or 1214 by Mansa Sulayman.[5] The word itself consisted of two parts: tin (wall) and butu (Wall of Butu). Africanus did not explain the meaning of this Butu.[4] Heinrich Barth wrote: "The town was probably so called, because it was built originally in a hollow or cavity in the sand-hills. Tùmbutu means hole or womb in the Songhay language: if it were a Temáshight (Tamashek) word, it would be written Timbuktu. The name is generally interpreted by Europeans as well of Buktu (also same word in Persian is bâkhtàr باختر = where the sun sets, West), but tin has nothing to do with well."[6]
- Berber origin: Malian historian Sekene Cissoko proposes a different etymology: the Tuareg founders of the city gave it a Berber name, a word composed of two parts: tin, the feminine form of in (place of) and bouctou, a small dune. Hence, Timbuktu would mean "place covered by small dunes".[7]
- Abd al-Sadi offers a third explanation in his 17th-century Tarikh al-Sudan: "The Tuareg made it a depot for their belongings and provisions, and it grew into a crossroads for travelers coming and going. Looking after their belongings was a slave woman of theirs called Timbuktu, which in their language means [the one having a] 'lump'. The blessed spot where she encamped was named after her."[8]
- The French Orientalist René Basset forwarded another theory: the name derives from the Zenaga root b-k-t, meaning "to be distant" or "hidden", and the feminine possessive particle tin. The meaning "hidden" could point to the city's location in a slight hollow.[9]
The validity of these theories depends on the identity of the original founders of the city: as recently as 2000, archaeological research has not found remains dating from the 11th/12th century within the limits of the modern city given the difficulty of excavating through metres of sand that have buried the remains over the past centuries.[10][11] Without consensus, the etymology of Timbuktu remains unclear.
قبل از تاريخ
[سنواريو]يورپ ۾ ابتدائي خيالات
[سنواريو]فن ۽ ثقافت
[سنواريو]قابل ذڪر ماڻهو
[سنواريو]مشهور ثقافت ۾
[سنواريو]ڀينر شهر
[سنواريو]پڻ ڏسو
[سنواريو]ٻاهريان ڳنڍڻا
[سنواريو]![]() |
وڪيميڊيا العام ۾ ٽمبڪٽو سان لاڳاپيل ابلاغي مواد ڏسو. |
ٽمبڪٽو سفري راهنما منجانب وڪي سفر Wikivoyage
![]() |
وڪي قول ۾ ٽمبڪٽو جي متعلق قول موجود آھي۔ |
- Timbuktu – World History Encyclopedia
- Jeppie, Ahamil "A Timbuktu book collector between the Mediterranean and Sahel", Video of a presentation given at the conference The southern shores of the Mediterranean and beyond: 1800 – to the present held at the University of Minnesota in April 2013.
- Ancient West Africa's Megacities يوٽيوب تي – contains video footage of Timbuktu's Iron Age occupation
- Islamic Manuscripts from Mali, Library of Congress – fuller presentation of the same manuscripts from the Mamma Haidara Commemorative Library
- Green, Jonathan. "S2 07 - Timbuktu - a true story" (audio (30 mins)). ABC Radio National. Features interviews with Cynthia Schneider and Manny Ansar, co-directors of the Timbuktu Renaissance, and Lazare Eloundou Assomo, director of UNESCO World Heritage
- Timbuktu materials in the Aluka digital library
- Timbuktu manuscripts: Africa's written history unveiled, The UNESCO Courier, 2007–5, pp. 7–9
- Ancient chroniclers of West Africa's past; journeys of discovery through the 'country of the black people', The UNESCO Courier, October 1959
- Timbuktu on Global Heritage Network – early warning and threat monitoring system for endangered cultural heritage sites
- Presentation showing images of Timbuktu
- ArchNet.org. "Timbuctu". Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT School of Architecture and Planning. وقت 14 April 2013 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. Unknown parameter
ignored (مدد)
[سنواريو]- ↑ 1.0 1.1 "2016 TOMBOUCTOU PRIX INTERNATIONAL CGLU-VILLE DE MEXICO-CULTURE 21 CATÉGORIE VILLE/GOUVERNEMENT LOCAL GAGNANT 2016" (PDF). United Cities and Local Governments. حاصل ڪيل 17 July 2024.
- ↑ "A Guide to Timbuktu". education.nationalgeographic.org.
- ↑ Stamm, Andrea L.; Bastian, Dawn E.; Myers, Robert A. (1998). Mali, The World Bibliographical Series. 207. ABC-CLIO. pp. 30.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Pelizzo, Riccardo (2001). "Timbuktu: A Lesson in Underdevelopment". Journal of World-Systems Research 7 (2): 265–283. doi: .
- ↑ Leo Africanus 1896824 Vol. 3.
- ↑ Barth 1857284 footnote Vol. 3.
- ↑ Cissoko, S.M (1996) (fr ۾). l'Empire Songhai. Paris: L'Harmattan. ISBN 978-2-7384-4384-7. https://books.google.com/books?id=CFXJZboYT30C.
- ↑ Hunwick 200329.
- ↑ Hunwick 200329 note 4.
- ↑ Insoll 20029.
- ↑ Insoll 2004.
حوالي جي چڪ: "lower-alpha" نالي جي حوالن جي لاءِ ٽيگ <ref>
آهن، پر لاڳاپيل ٽيگ <references group="lower-alpha"/>
نہ مليو
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- Timbuktu
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